However, the technique requires finding a donor with an exact match, which is very hard to do.
All of this makes for some fairly comfortable mousing options, but as with most one-size-fit-all products (also see: baseball caps) you may not find an exact match.
You can furthermore see in the chart above that the pattern in 2013 has been nearly an exact match to what we saw in 1995 through May 16.
Jairo Saddi, who teaches law at a private university, tells of a judge who immediately spotted fraud on being presented with a balance sheet: what else could explain the suspiciously exact match between assets and liabilities?
As each pair has its own unique identifier, finding a lost pair amongst a pile of identical socks is as easier as scanning them with the sock sorter, and waiting until the iPhone app beeps to tell you it has located the exact match.
"If you want to help the criminal get away, use an exact-match system, " Wheeler says.
This technique can yield fresh tissue that is an exact genetic match for the patient for whom it is intended.
The logic above does not prove an exact job match at all times resulting from exports and imports, but it does indicate an approximate match.
FORBES: Exports Create Better Jobs, But Not Necessarily More Jobs
The Mobile Drive Mg will only be available through Apple Premium Resellers in a range of three different models, all of which are future ready and are an exact colour match with Apple's popular MacBook.
Shoppers aren't looking to match the exact handbag or sweater they see on the catwalk or on a cover, Cole says, they are buying a dream.
In a world that's becoming increasingly personalized, you can surround yourself with a cast of friends on the Internet that match your exact interests and sense of humor.
But advances in laser scanning gave her the breakthrough she needed and enabled her to match many pieces with their exact location in the caves.