The hole was the result of excavation work being carried out at the site.
Heavy excavation work began late at night and into the early morning on Thursday.
The hole under way is the excavation hole, where the drill bit will be placed.
One of them, British veteran Stanley Coombe, travelled to Burma to witness the excavation.
They were decorated with brightly coloured reproductions of Minoan frescoes found in the excavation.
One of them, British veteran Stanley Coombe, had travelled to Burma to witness the excavation.
Archaeologists now have less than four months to do three decades worth of excavation.
The course consisted of theoretical and practical (hands-on) instructions in the techniques of underwater archaeological excavation.
Surveyors are currently on site and the excavation work will start on 10 December.
In addition, he believes full details will emerge when the excavation paper is published later this year.
Preparations began at the site on Monday and a team archaeologists began their excavation on Tuesday morning.
Excavation was under way on a new trench, on the other side of a low limestone ridge.
Dredging: excavation, digging, scraping, draglining, suction dredging to emove sand, silt, rock or other underwater sea-bottom material.
Archaeologists said the excavation, in Navenby, could help them trace Roman occupation in the area from AD55.
The cause of the problem is a denehole, an underground gap left by chalk excavation in 17th Century.
Eager to finish the new building, the Egyptian government allowed only hasty excavation of part of the site.
The gates date back to 1834 and were found during excavation works on a new road in July 2011.
Mr Wilson said any major finds could lead to a complete excavation or a realignment of the flood banks.
The small burnt and broken piece of carved wood was found during an excavation in a cave on Skye.
Post-excavation work, including washing, dating and analysis of the discoveries, has now begun at Cotswold Archaeology's base at Kemble.
Rome is famous for excavation delays caused by diggers blundering into antique sites.
The BBC-funded excavation goes ahead with the full support of English Heritage, which manages the site for the nation.
This extraordinary argument came originally from Antonin Morlet, a Vichy doctor and amateur archaeologist who took over the excavation.
They were found at Macmerry Primary School near Tranent by workmen doing excavation work at the back of the building.
An area of the Ridgeway was fenced off on Wednesday in preparation for the 50, 000 sq-m excavation of the area.
This keeps the material in its original form, and postpones any commitment to the painstaking process of excavation by hand.
Knossos, because of its size and location, as well as Mackenzie's careful excavation practices, remains the most important Minoan site.
The shortages are made worse, it said, by excavation work that has severed underground power lines 70 times this year.
The universities of Manchester, Leicester, Newcastle and Glasgow worked on, identified, or funded the excavation at the boat burial site.
Not one penny should go to any researcher until the results of his last big excavation are actually in print.