NGOs that make a career of exposing excesses put the number much higher--50 million.
At present capitalism is too often judged by the excesses of a few bankers.
In Thailand, speculative excesses in real estate and to a lesser degree manufacturing were the culprit.
There were moral recriminations for the excesses of the housing bubble, but no criminal prosecutions.
FORBES: Banks: From Bubbles & Nuclear Winters To Golden Eras
By having a "near-death experience, " Ghosn says, Nissan uncovered excesses that profitable companies let pass.
He pressed interest rates to 15 percent, and rid the country of its inflationary excesses.
We should not expect future taxpayers to pay for the excesses of prior generations.
Fight for smarter government that trusts the market but protects us against its excesses.
Higher capital requirements for banks should prevent a rerun of some of the recent excesses.
ECONOMIST: A wrongheaded fund-management directive from Brussels
Washington's primary role doesn't excuse Wall Street's excesses, but it puts them in proper perspective.
Progressives exaggerate the excesses and failures of free enterprise while affording government moral approbation.
FORBES: Looming Fiscal Disaster Isn't Our Problem, Handout-Driven Moral Degeneracy Is
ANTIOXIDANTS, FIBER , calcium, iron, potassium: These are our mantras in the aftermath of December's excesses.
WSJ: Michael Anthony's Kale, Cabbage and Carrot Salad | Slow Food Fast
Managers at the hospital, says the report, failed to prevent Professor van Velzen's "worst excesses".
Walker's victory on Tuesday will galvanize those battling to curb the excesses of public employee unions.
They purged excesses in capital spending and inventory accumulation and happened every five years or so.
Pay for U.K. executives continued to rise, but some activists believe the shareholder votes curbed excesses.
Young voters born since the racial excesses of last century have generally embraced the Obama thesis.
Reich predicted that America's liberated excesses would be countered by repression, just like in Stalin's Russia.
But some of the worst excesses were inflicted by elites on their own poor.
Given the huge excesses left after America's bubble, the same might happen in the United States.
There was something of a perfect storm in which policy mistakes combined with Wall Street's excesses.
At the same time, the Justices became accomplices in the excesses of the Gilded Age.
Friends insist that some of these excesses were caused by the illness then ravaging his body.
It used to be inventory excesses, equipment excesses, sometimes housing excesses, sometimes all of them.
To curb the excesses of executive pay, Vince Cable has passed the buck back to shareholders.
BBC: Will highly paid investors curb pay of highly paid bosses?
But their closed society gave them some protection from the excesses of the state.
What excesses of liberty can possibly be as bad as a life lived in its absence?
FORBES: History's Witness: Prague, Communism, And The Socialist Ideal
But financial excesses existed centuries before a brick had been laid on Wall Street.
Most condemn such excesses and have, in the past, generally professed an aversion to politics.