The problem with climate change is excessive consumption by rich people, not procreation by poor people.
Most economists like this idea, as it is likely to discourage excessive consumption of health care.
Excessive consumption of prunes will lead to more movement than is desirable, certainly, and possibly to more than is healthy.
FORBES: Prunes Are Not Laxatives: Official European Union Ruling
In addition, Herrera said in his lawsuit that Monster promotes excessive consumption of its drinks by telling consumers to "pound down" or "chug down" its products.
"To get the world economy on a stable growth path again, it is necessary to correct excessive consumption in the United States, as well as global imbalance coming from insufficient domestic demand of various countries, especially those with trade surpluses, " Aso said.
Issues such as excessive alcohol consumption, fake IDs, and serving alcohol to minors remain prevalent problems in the community.
Certain drugs can trigger glandular breast growth in men, as can some rare genetic and hormonal diseases, as well as excessive alcohol consumption.
The TTB says health-related claims made by alcoholic drink manufacturers must be verifiable and balanced with revelations about the health risks of excessive alcohol consumption.
Excessive alcohol consumption disrupts the 'REM' (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of deep sleep to ruin a night's rest, according to the UK Department of Health.
These latest phones have been designed to provide an incredibly rich, smartphone-like experience to consumers who want to be set free from excessive data consumption costs and short battery life.
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If Obama were seriously motivated by a moral desire to protect poor countries from being ruined by excessive American consumption then his biggest priority would be to rein in this consumption.
Local officials said the cause was excessive alcohol consumption.
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The dangers of excessive alcohol consumption are well known, but cautionary tales are worth retelling: Annmarie Woods recalls a holiday gathering a few years ago for her sales team at a leading financial services firm.
Police said he died of excessive alcohol-consumption, and his body was cremated without autopsy.
In Crash Proof , I talked about how our economy suffered from the co-morbid diseases of asset bubbles, excessive debt and consumption, and insufficient savings, capital investment, and production.
By contrast, more stimulus simply magnifies the imbalances, including excessive government spending, too much consumption, inadequate production, and artificially elevated asset prices.
There is strong and well established evidence that consumption of alcohol in Scotland is excessive and that this gives rise to health and social problems.
The economy is sprinting along by Western standards, but China faces a hard adjustment to wean itself off excessive investment and exports in favour of more reliance on consumption.
"The Welsh Assembly Government welcomes and supports all measures that make people think about their alcohol consumption, encourages them to drink sensibly and discourages excessive drinking, " added the spokesperson.
"The construction of affordable homes will help curb excessive price rises and fuel urbanization, which will in turn unleash consumption and investment potentials and push development of related industries, " Mr. Li said.
The device, inspired by customer feedback revealing that excessive weight (when lugging bottles home from the grocery store, that is) was a major barrier to greater consumption, will be rolled out across other markets in 2013 along with a mobile app for smartphones.