The plans are designed to cut down on excessive drinking and improve people's health.
The report, dubbed an independent alcohol strategy for the UK, also highlighted the toll of excessive drinking.
But more than one alcoholic drink can have consequences: Excessive drinking can trigger atrial fibrillation, a form of irregular heartbeat.
These come down to smoking, excessive drinking, overeating and lack of exercise.
The research found that while the new style nightlife has brought benefits, 'old' problems of excessive drinking and violence are unlikely to disappear.
Ms. LAUREL JOHNSON (Psychiatric Nurse, Fort Carson): Do not ignore the warning signs - excessive drinking, marital problems, domestic abuse, suspected drug use, declining work performance.
The warnings follow a report earlier this week by the Medical Council on Alcohol, which suggests there has been a dramatic increase in excessive drinking among professional women.
"The Welsh Assembly Government welcomes and supports all measures that make people think about their alcohol consumption, encourages them to drink sensibly and discourages excessive drinking, " added the spokesperson.
However, the SNP move won support from the Liberal Democrats whose health spokeswoman Alison McInnes said it was "a positive and confident step towards changing the culture of excessive drinking in Scotland".
As the author, Professor Bernard Stewart, an internationally-noted expert in cancer causation, points out, there is a remarkable scientific consensus on the causes of avoidable cancer, and they relate to lifestyle choices that people can actually do something about: smoking, poor diet, excessive drinking, obesity, physical inactivity, and exposure to the sun.
Other major risk factors for periodontal disease include genito-urinary infections, smoking and excessive alcohol drinking.
Unlike smoking, or excessive gambling and drinking, eating junk food does not directly impair the well-being of anyone else.
"Women don't really accept that the amount of alcohol they're drinking is excessive, " the spokeswoman said.
CNN: 'Drinking Mirror' app aims to show how alcohol ages you
The monitoring group found a "strong possibility" that the fainting was caused by chemical exposure and cited excessive overtime and insufficient drinking water as other factors.
The monitoring group found a "strong possibility" that the fainting was caused by chemical exposure and cited excessive overtime and insufficient drinking water as contributing factors.
Of the estimated 23, 000 annual deaths attributed to excessive alcohol use among women and girls, binge drinking was responsible for more than half of those deaths, said Frieden.