"This was an exciting day, " said Dan Mead, president and chief executive officer for Verizon Wireless.
There are a lot of exciting things now to come out of this partnership.
Joyful, exciting, unique, slightly odd, even a little bit naive - a proper break from the norm.
What could be as exciting to loyal Oprah viewers as the final months of The Oprah Winfrey Show?
FORBES: The Oprah Winfrey Network Scores An Oprah Winfrey Show
It was a term that inspired the development of a new economically independent sub-culture, simultaneously exciting and terrifying.
Lord Falconer, the government minister with responsibility for the Dome, described Legacy's plans as exciting.
London bid chairman Lord Coe hailed the institute as an "exciting, dynamic and innovative" facility.
But it's an area ripe for exploration, ripe for us all getting exciting about.
Now one of the exciting new books about the Creative Economy offers an interesting answer.
FORBES: The Creative Economy: Can Industrial Giants Reinvent Themselves?
It was the promise of the experience for me that was the real exciting thing.
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"What he's doing is extraordinarily exciting, " says William Taylor, president of the Atlantic Salmon Federation.
"I have had a wonderful time running The Archers, always interesting and exciting, " Whitburn said.
BBC: Archers editor Vanessa Whitburn to leave after 22 years
One of the most exciting finds for du Maurier fans is a story called The Doll.
That evidence of water was exciting, for with it came the possibility of life.
There has never been a more exciting time to be a writer than now.
FORBES: 5 Key Lessons for Authors and Self-Publishers from Neil Gaiman
As beautiful and exciting as a place might be, it was still new and foreign.
WSJ: Chef Carla Hall on Learning to Love Food in Italy | Traveler's Tale
Again, I turn to Chicago as a place where something exciting and innovative is happening.
None of that is likely exciting to watch, but it is likely to be material financially.
FORBES: Exiting the Red Zone, Tesla Turns its First Profit and Looks to Go Long
Bayern has already signed Dortmund's most exciting playmaker, the 20-year-old wunderkind Mario Gotze, for next season.
Scott was a master at making action movies that you knew were going to be exciting.
FORBES: Tony Scott: One Of The Best Popcorn Directors Of All Time
Kevin Parker, general secretary of the Manchester City Supporters' Club, called the day "an exciting occasion".
It's pretty exciting to take our skills and apply them to a green, geothermal resource.
BBC: Newcastle University borehole project strikes hot water
It will be exciting to watch the outcome, and the repercussions that outcome brings.
Fashion coordinates for the bedroom were always exciting but have been displaced by irrelevant merchandise.
I'm not worried - I'm looking at it as a more exciting time in my career.
Dubbed Vimensio, Leonar3Do's educational products offer a new, exciting approach to teaching and learning.
ENGADGET: Leonar3Do launches HelloVR, Vimensio platforms to bring 3D computing into the mainstream
The new money brought an exciting new world of continental stars and new stadiums.
My words were saying how exciting it was to raise money from a VC.
But somewhere in there, was something that felt genuinely new and exciting for the series.
"It's exciting to see Reagan National Airport opened up, " Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said earlier.