Radioiodine not taken up into the thyroid gland is excreted in your urine and saliva.
As time passes, PCL degrades and is excreted out of the body, hopefully leaving behind a healed organ.
Dr Heymann speculated the virus could be excreted with body fluids, and spread via the sewerage system, or through water.
There is no cumulative buildup and the chemical is metabolized quickly by the body and excreted, noted Antonia M.
The hypothalamus reacts to ghrelin, a hormone excreted by an empty stomach, by releasing appetite-stimulating neurotransmitters into other parts of the brain.
P450s, and one of its jobs is to convert nicotine into a less harmful chemical called cotinine that can then be excreted.
The road is littered with discarded vitamins and minerals that made perfect sense but proved to be digested and excreted without effect.
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It therefore gets absorbed by bones if ingested, rather than being excreted.
The process of detoxification allows the liver to convert fat solubles stored in our cells into water-soluble substances that can easily be excreted.
Worse, once absorbed, the chemical is locked into the body's fat tissue (it is only excreted through the placenta and in breast milk).
After about two weeks, they die and are absorbed or excreted.
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The gut wall then changes from a protective layer to an open sieve, allowing pathogens normally contained in the gut and then excreted to enter the insect's body.
Most BPA in food is excreted in the urine.
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So if birds were the source, it seemingly would mean they feasted on carp, flew a long distance and excreted feces within a few hours of when the researchers collected water samples.
Researchers have begun prototyping a pair of tighty-whiteys coated with the requisite carbon electrodes to make electrochemical computing a reality, as it turns out the nether regions are a prime place to measure chemicals excreted in one's sweat.
ENGADGET: Scientists create sweat-monitoring underwear, break them in (video)
Indeed, a calculation Dr Ip performed, based on the volume and composition of the urine he collected in the plastic buckets, and of the head-dunking water at the end of each day, suggested that only 6% of the urea excreted by the turtles was leaving them in the traditional manner, via urine.