After routine business, executives and others departed about 10:30, leaving the directors in executive session.
Nor is the chief executive entirely excluded from the procedure that leads to the executive session.
Usually this was when we were in executive session and it was senators only who were speaking, I might add.
"There were no actions in the executive session that need to be reported out today, " JCOPE Chairwoman Janet DiFiore said after Tuesday's meeting.
Instead, McPherson used the executive session to once again stress the value of great television and the level of risk-taking it takes to achieve.
In conjunction with the roundtable, the United States and Poland will seek to hold an executive session of the U.S.-Poland Economic and Commercial Dialogue (ECD).
At jetBlue, our own version of this came from Board member General Stanley A. McChrystal, who asked that we hold a 15-minute executive session prior to each board meeting.
"The teaching staff came in and pretty much demanded an executive session and pretty much blew up that whole process, " said Peter Barresi, a Sandy Hook resident who has a 6-year-old son at the school.
These included post-degree teaching courses in Mathematics, Science and English, leadership training for school heads and teachers, and other courses under the Malaysian Technical Co-operation Programme, he said during a debate in conjunction with the 184th Unesco executive board session.
The outcomes of the consultation will be presented to the Executive Board at its 190th session in October 2012.
The 45th session of the UNESCO-IOC Executive Council will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France on 26-28 June 2012.
At its 185th session in October 2010, the Executive Board of UNESCO decided to launch an ambitious programme on biodiversity, in particular by strengthening the Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB).
A. session in fall 2010 and offers nondegree executive-education and research programs.
After the close of the 36th session of the General Conference, the Executive Board will meet to elect its Bureau (Chairperson, Vice-chairpersons, Commission Presidents and Commissions).
In remarks to journalists after the one-hour session, Ford 's new chief executive, AlanMulallyAlan Mulally, emphasized that the automakers did not ask Bush for a federal bailout.
Tuesday's Stormont session, which rubber-stamped the executive's agreement to extend the cross community compromise over the justice department, was rather more predictable than Tuesday's Dail sitting, when Enda Kenny confirmed that the Irish people would be given their chance to say yes or no to the European fiscal compact.
BBC: Referenda still on the agenda on both sides of the border
After a meeting with Ms Bokova and her team, Mr Ban addressed the Executive Board of UNESCO which is currently holding its 190th session (until 18 October).
Rice addressed the first session of the United Nations (UN) Women Executive Board.
Executive meetings are confidential but by the end of 4 October session, it was clear there had been a row as the DUP went public with their feelings.
BBC: Robinson and McGuinness meet amid DUP-Sinn Fein tension
The CEO kicked off a spontaneous brainstorming session at the KPI review meeting focused on helping that executive hit his numbers.
FORBES: Why IBM CEO's Public Spanking of the Sales Function Was the Right Move
Wendy Watson-Wright, Assistant Director General and Executive Secretary, UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, will chair the opening session and participate in the regional working group for the North and Central Pacific.
He recently mandated a "bullpen" session every afternoon, in which he and the company's executive officers sit and work on small couches outside a board room in Building 43 at Google's headquarters.
The session was not completely negative for mining as Gerald Panneton, president and chief executive officer of Detour Gold, described how he and his team brought the Detour Lake gold mine in Ontario to production from an exploration project.
In the second and final evidence session into stamp prices and network transformation, the BIS Committee will be taking evidence from the chief executive officer of Royal Mail, Moya Green.