• This would ensure that newspapers who refuse to join the new regulatory regime will be liable - potentially - for exemplary damages if a claim is upheld against them.

    BBC: Beneath the skin of the Leveson law

  • He said a royal charter would help to create the world's "toughest" regulatory system, which would allow the imposition of "exemplary damages" on newspapers which refuse to sign up.

    BBC: David Cameron halts press regulation talks

  • And a separate bill, the Crime and Courts Bill, will have amendments ensuring that newspapers who refused to join the new regulatory regime would be potentially liable for exemplary damages if a claim was upheld against them.

    BBC: Press regulation deal struck by parties

  • Among those named in the claim, which seeks unspecified exemplary and punitive damages, are the group's Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes, Microsoft and SFX Entertainment.

    BBC: Duran Duran sued over 'wrong number'

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