After years of investigation, Audi was exonerated, but the damage to the brand image was done.
Since 1976, more than a hundred and thirty people on death row have been exonerated.
In fact, the National Registry of Exonerations tracked 958 former convicts exonerated in the United States.
Knox called the decision "painful" but said she was confident that she would be exonerated.
Mr Miller will probably be exonerated by the inquiry, though his authority has suffered.
He was exonerated but the stress of the ordeal brought on a mental breakdown.
Board chairman Patricia Dunn was vilified and left the company, though she was later exonerated.
Even if Landis is ultimately exonerated, he knows the taint of yesterday's announcement will follow him.
Mr Bush has already been pushed into insisting that Mr Cheney will be exonerated.
One person who was "partially exonerated" will instead likely face administrative action, King said.
Only after a year and a half was Danny exonerated by the Supreme Court.
Both Schock and Owens said they expect to be exonerated by the House committee.
Yet were a full autopsy to diagnose plague, then Richard would be further exonerated.
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In Canada, a government inquiry completely exonerated Mr Arar of any links with terrorist groups.
But the head of Tamil Nadu's Women's Commission, Vasanthi Devi, said mothers could not be exonerated.
The Cambodian government told CNN a senior Cambodian court official was investigated for corruption, but was exonerated.
Of the remaining cases, about half the students were placed on disciplinary probation and the rest were exonerated.
In the end, a fair inference drawn from the disposition of this arbitration is that Lavo emerged exonerated.
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This followed a three-year moratorium on executions in the state after 13 people awaiting execution had been exonerated.
For years, survivors have tried to have this man exonerated, but without success.
One of India's most prominent politicians, he has been exonerated by several inquiries.
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She was fully exonerated in the investigation and there is no suggestion of anything improper with her current work.
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All but a few of the accused have been exonerated or had their verdicts overturned in post-conviction legal proceedings.
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The source insisted the documents contained no evidence that would have exonerated them.
The men were exonerated after a man already jailed for other crimes confessed, and DNA evidence supported his claim.
He was concerned about the number of inmates exonerated by DNA evidence after already having been sentenced to die.
So is it true, as Michael Mann claims, that he has been exonerated of all charges in these matters?
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After losing his job and enduring months of media scrutiny, Jewell was exonerated.
The Czech player was exonerated when the ATP discovered its trainers had been administering supplements that may have contained nandrolone.
The firm was exonerated by the DOJ and SEC, saving millions of dollars in fines and a hit to their reputation.
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