The Expo will be just like the Olympics, only much bigger and far more exorbitant.
Too many of us have charged exorbitant rates so that others could charge exorbitant rates.
They think that pharma companies simply manufacture these drugs and then charge exorbitant prices for them.
Some services prey on desperate consumers, claiming to be nonprofit agencies and charging exorbitant fees.
As falling confidence causes bond prices to fall, interest rates become exorbitant and destroy equity valuations.
Indeed, at times it seems that European resentment of America's privileges is a little exorbitant.
The completely unsurprisng result of this is that the prices for real estate are exorbitant.
Finance remains among the most heavily regulated spheres, thus Wall Street expends exorbitant sums lobbying.
Is the Wii U worth getting right away and paying those exorbitant Ebay prices?
Not long ago the boat owners found themselves threatened with exorbitant marina charges during conference time.
Openness should make the cost of financing positions less exorbitant than it has been.
So she must continue to resist the exorbitant wage demands of striking civil servants.
ECONOMIST: The president needs to do more to tackle the ��Brazil cost��
Both would stop insurers from charging exorbitant premiums on the basis of age, health, or gender.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: The Patient��s Bill of Rights and Health Reform | The White House
You then had to wait hours for a dial tone, and pay exorbitant charges.
In addition to the exorbitant costs associated with building, speed of deployment also comes into play.
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Significant billing overages, runaway application costs, and exorbitant international roaming fees are no longer a corporate rarity.
Zillow, too, identified 10 cities where buying was exorbitant, including Boston, New York, San Francisco and Seattle.
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We do not have the convenience of gas and pay exorbitant amounts for electricity, oil and coal.
Those that do permit driving go out of their way to make it painful with exorbitant parking fees.
U.S. investors do not have some exorbitant skill that would make our international budget constraint any less binding.
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In better times, they feel more willing to overextend themselves by taking out loans with exorbitant interest rates.
In this lawsuit, Apple seeks to stifle legitimate competition and limit consumer choice to maintain its historically exorbitant profits.
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It "performed well" but the price tag is "exorbitant", said reviewer Chris Hall.
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And now, instead of paying exorbitant exchange rates abroad, American travelers are reaping the benefits of a strong dollar.
He lured investors with promises of exorbitant returns in purported pre-IPO shares of well-known companies such as Facebook.
You can pay an exorbitant fee for a license and not even be making a profit in your business.
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Why pay 18 to 34% on a credit card, when whatever savings one has will erase these exorbitant charges?
Bad news, though: They will still be taxed at the same exorbitant levels.
Patients Association chief executive Katherine Murphy described parking charges as "exorbitant" for those who have to attend hospital regularly.
At least for some gas-guzzling industries, the fear of exorbitant prices seems justified.