Instead, politicians are trying to push every kid in America into the current exorbitantly expensive system.
The existing chains of health-food shops are amateurishly managed, poorly stocked and often exorbitantly priced.
"Parents and students are paying exorbitantly and they are still not getting good services, " says Bryan A. Liang, M.
Meetings are exorbitantly expensive when you add up the number of highly paid people in the room at the same time.
FORBES: The #1 Killer of Meetings (And What You Can Do About It)
That transition could take weeks, making even small design changes exorbitantly costly.
Consumers had been pressured into accepting exorbitantly expensive plans to protect their identity or cover bills in the event of disability or job loss.
Many Japanese SMEs have the technology and knowledge base, yet are capital-poor with exorbitantly high labor and materials operations costs relative to Chinese firms.
And you also have the city of Boulder, which many of the people there live in, you know, regularly house - exorbitantly priced but regularly-sized houses.
Only a handful of channels from each media conglomerate are "priced really exorbitantly, " said Thomas Larsen, group vice president of legal and public affairs at Mediacom.
Though the iPod was derided by some as exorbitantly expensive at the time of its launch in 2001, it has amassed some two-thirds of the world market for hand-held music devices.
While proponents of deregulation point to lower fares between high density hubs, these bargains are subsidised by exorbitantly high fares for flights between the thousands of smaller cities across the country.
At least for the first few years of business establishment, when companies rarely break even, these fees are exorbitantly high and many entrepreneurs feel like they are working simply to pay the government fees.
FORBES: Bureaucracy Is Stifling Small Business In The Middle East
One complaint already on the Web-site accounted the story of a customer who got duped into an exorbitantly high interest rate on his purchase when the customer service representative lied to him about whether he qualified for the "no interest, no payment" financing.
"Even if you did identify the 50 or 100 people who did year-2000 work, you need to devote a significant chunk of money until it becomes exorbitantly expensive, " says Jeanne Koch, a systems manager in the systems and engineering department at The Washington Post, in Washington.