The farmers' system and philosophy, he insists, have condemned them to go forth and multiply, peopling the earth and expanding their domain to the detriment of hunter-gatherers, whose philosophy, based on respect for nature and for the equality and freedom of each individual, including children, was no match for the rapacity, technology and productivity of the newcomers.
ECONOMIST: Farming and history
Boeing is expanding in more down-to-earth aviation services, too.
ECONOMIST: Aircraft manufacture
Because the universe is expanding, most galaxies are moving away from the Earth.
ECONOMIST: Astronomy
Sinecures only serve one purpose, occupying the precious time you have on earth, time you could spend testing your limits and expanding your view of the world.
FORBES: What Are The Worst Reasons For Taking A Job?
The search juggernaut is faced with the endless task of reading and ranking the ever-expanding Web's billions of pages, the equivalent of putting the Earth's population in order from tallest to shortest every few minutes.
FORBES: Condemned To Google Hell