Today, in our fast paced, technical and ever expanding universe we have an even larger blank canvas.
Technology, after all, is an expanding universe and what was considered state-of-the-art in the 1980s is not necessarily state-of-the-art today.
Delivering your message effectively continues to be an expanding universe, encompassing every aspect of social and traditional media, tie-ins, promotions, incentives, and other means.
Edwin Hubble never really embraced the notion of the expanding universe.
The only way the Hartle-Hawking wave function can explain an expanding universe with a reasonable probability is if the many-worlds picture is the right one.
So if you pick an observation by a single observer at random, it will frequently be of the expanding universe, which has far more observers.
Perhaps the analogy to an expanding universe is a bit strong.
Home for Geritz and Edgley is Salt Lake City, where together with their six researchers they screen an ever expanding universe of 6, 000 small foreign companies for candidates worth a visit.
The Nicmos sees even farther than the ACS - to the most distant galaxies yet recorded - because the expanding Universe has stretched their light into the near-infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Hubble sees the faintest galaxies
Yet even the nimblest fugitives leave clues, even patterns -- they're just buried in an expanding universe of data, a challenge that intensifies as we seek still more data, hoping it will yield more insight.
Beyond its obvious visual appeal, data like this should give physicists at the DOE's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory insight into the nature of neutrinos (some of which are said to have been issued from the Big Bang) and, by extension, the origins of our ever-expanding universe.
Take a look below to discover more about the ever-expanding geosocial universe and the course of its objects.
Science and technology are at the heart of expanding the universe of clean energy options and increasing the efficiency of transmission and generation.
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Will we be pounding on the same doors instead of expanding our universe because the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing?
In 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe is expanding, which led to the Big Bang theory.
By 1932, however, there was observational data indicating that indeed the universe was expanding.
Similarly, astronomers devote much attention to the apparent fact that the universe is expanding.
The observation that the universe is expanding is therefore a typical one if both versions exist.
Because the universe is expanding, any wave of light emitted from a far-flung source is stretched out.
In short, AOL (in the U.S.) was then the center of the digital Internet universe and expanding outward.
Because the universe is expanding, most galaxies are moving away from the Earth.
What are the benefits of expanding the Infinity Blade universe across media?
Three American scientists were just awarded the Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday for the discovery of just how fast the universe is expanding.
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As it struggles to meet demand for its new iMac computer, Apple Computer is both expanding and contracting its retail universe.
When Edwin Hubble discovered in the 1920s that there were multiple galaxies and that the universe must be expanding, such distances became even less fathomable.
If that is the case, and the Copenhagen interpretation is correct, the fact that current observations show the universe to be expanding would be highly unusual.
In an interview, Los Alamos' Fenimore agreed, noting that either or both approaches have the potential of vastly expanding the amount of the universe that can be measured.
"We're really expanding the part of the universe which is accessible to human beings, " says Hoffman, who logged 1, 211 hours in space during his five trips on the shuttle.