All the glamour and experience associated with being an expatriate executive is not without sacrifice.
The expatriate will have to decide if retaining his U.S. citizenship is worth risking this penalty.
Iraqi expatriate Zainab Al-Suwaij is participating in the debate, albeit from the United States.
Liverpool have the highest percentage in Europe of expatriate players within their squad, measuring 90%.
The male expatriate in Bangkok is a great deal freer than the female expatriate in Jeddah.
Some firms have exploited the huge differences in the costs of local and expatriate staff.
The commission chairman told local TV the problem lay in organising the expatriate vote.
The expatriate American community of Israel alone is estimated to be between 100, 000 and 200, 000.
She married a British expatriate and not long after that gave birth to a daughter.
Expatriate Chinese executives are a relatively new phenomenon, and a sign of Chinese strength.
Dependence on oil, a large expatriate workforce, and growing inflation pressures are significant long-term challenges.
The man, described by the paper as an expatriate, was held overnight for questioning.
Their situation is in many ways like that of a Western expatriate, but there are glaring differences.
This likely far exceeds the amount of tax the expatriate owed on a U.S. income tax return.
Katara hums with energy, especially in the evenings when Qatari and expatriate families flock to the area.
The companies that choose to expatriate usually fit a certain profile (this applies to individuals as well).
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Another contentious issue, the number of expatriate BP employees at TNK-BP, has also been resolved to their liking.
In the wealthy Gulf, a policy to replace the expatriate faculty with local staff has also lowered standards.
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Artful burglars in Saudi Arabia have adopted an effective method of covering their tracks when raiding expatriate flats.
Yet most developing nations have done little to leverage their expatriate talent strategically.
"Up until recently, we had to expatriate ourselves to race professionally, " explained Sherwen.
But expatriate families wanted maids who spoke English, so the government allowed the hiring of Filipinas to accommodate them.
Hundreds of Western expatriate IT managers and families moved to Japan (impacting the expat housing market and schools simultaneously).
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If you expatriate now you are treated as having sold all your worldwide property for its fair market value.
What's to stop the phone company from offering that expatriate maid a selection of currencies as the store of value?
One way this could happen is if the expatriate moves money from a U.S. brokerage firm to another brokerage firm.
One of the key drivers behind this growth in emerging markets is a move away from the conventional expatriate model.
But there are still more than five million expatriate workers in a country with a population of about 24 million.
All this is paid for with contributions, mostly from expatriate Tamils, and profits from businesses, such as restaurants and shipping.
The country's 30m or so people, two-thirds of them citizens and the rest expatriate workers or dependents, are largely complacent.