When you begin your new role, don't expect too much of yourself settling in with the new territory.
But to expect too much of either the Palestinian troops or the ceasefire would be to miss the point.
"People tend to expect too much of their local bishop, " the man who has begun the search for a new Bishop of Blackburn has said.
If priests cannot achieve consensus on such matters of morality, perhaps it is too much to expect it of politicians.
"Don't expect too much in the way of results, " says international-relations lecturer Chayachoke Chulasiriwongs of Thailand's Chulalongkorn University.
But it would be wrong to expect too much from this particular set of negotiations.
At the time, the company's managers did not expect the lawsuit to be too much of a bother.
It's too much to expect a few weeks of lame-duck session to accomplish more than this Congress has done in any of its previous 22 months.
In case you were wondering, ports include analog in and out, composite out, and a headphone port, but we wouldn't dwell too much since we hardly expect to ever see one of these outside a Tokyo flat.
Mr Davies said the singer-songwriter had already paid tribute to John Lennon in a track on his 2012 album Tempest, and it would not be too much to expect him to use "to bring something of Dylan Thomas to life".
BBC: Dylan Thomas tribute: Bob Dylan wanted for Swansea concert
To expect such an outcome would, of course, be much too cynical.
In addition, even those earning too much to demonstrate need under aid formulas "expect to see some sort of merit aid, " unless the school is highly selective, said Trey Chappell, a college adviser in Scottsdale, Ariz.
Here's a good rule of thumb: If your total student loan debt exceeds the amount you expect to earn in your first year out of school, you're borrowing too much.
While Byrne is clearly thrilled at the prospect of a new chapter in his own career, he does not expect too much change in the overall championship.
Understandably, Farrell has been at pains to reduce the weight of expectation heaped on his broad shoulders, while much of the praise lavished on him has come with caveats that we should not expect too much, too soon.