The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship said it did not refuse applications based on disabilities, but it took into account public expenditure on "health care and community services in short supply".
Cities close together in the standings may have very different prices, while others further apart can be effectively level with each other, taking into account margins of error for price and expenditure data, which the firms don't share with the public.
Despite Miss Mulyani's boast about cutting subsidies, the most important of which lower the price consumers pay for fuel and electricity, they still account for about a quarter of all government expenditure.
It is certainly tough: it envisages a primary surplus of revenues over expenditure that is, before interest payments are taken into account of 6.5% in the new fiscal year.
This is because they rely on static models of weight loss rather than dynamic models that account for the way the body adjusts to reducing food intake by reducing energy expenditure.