"There were insufficient qualified, skilled experienced staff to meet people's needs, " the report said.
The council said it was dealing with an "overwhelming" number of children and struggling to get experienced staff.
However, the firm warned of continuing skill shortages with a rise in the need for qualified and experienced staff.
But even firms that are seeking only experienced staff are keen to meet students who they may poach later.
It said the new single command structure had increased accountability, with better-trained and more experienced staff and improved, centralised intelligence and crime management.
The settlement stated that Palin did not violate Alaska's ethics law or commit any wrongdoing, and that she followed the advice of experienced staff.
That leaves the Japanese houses with no money for marketing or hiring the sort of experienced staff who might persuade their clients to pay more.
The inspectors say overall track patrolling is carried out by competent and experienced staff and is given a high priority by all involved in the process.
As 9% of the workforce leaves each year, Dr Malone emphasised the need to retain experienced staff in the NHS and not just concentrate on recruitment.
The effect has been to underutilise one of the big organisational advantages that the Big Four have: a large pool of partners who can help coach less experienced staff.
He said the number of training places for midwives would be increased by over 50%, and efforts were being made to encourage experienced staff who had left the NHS back into the profession.
Well over 200 GP consortia have been set up and some are actually in operation, though many clinicians remain critical of the decision to disband the primary-care trusts, losing experienced staff at a time of upheaval.
Score says the changes could result in "severe funding cuts" and that some smaller schools might decide not to offer science A-levels while others might have to cut teaching time, reduce practical work or employ less experienced staff.
The survey also found that some authorities are concerned that long-serving, experienced staff are being replaced by unqualified or newly qualified social workers and that authorities have been forced to recruit staff from as far afield as South Africa and Australia.
Employers will also be expected to agree standards on caseloads as well as to improve pay for the most experienced frontline staff.
There are also murmurings about Astra's joint venture with Merck in America, which may have missed opportunities by failing to recruit experienced sales staff.
Mr Gill said Ms McClay, who is originally from Glasgow, was a "very experienced" staff member who had worked with big cats and was "proficient and passionate" at her job.
But a spokesperson for the Department for Education and Skills rejected the claim, saying that the number of qualified teachers was at its highest for 19 years and that many of the "non-qualified" teachers were often experienced overseas staff.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Rising teacher numbers disputed
Because a lot of the cost of the licensing procress is the learning curve of doing the first one, experienced clerical staff can complete the licensing fairly efficiently, and help to shield more senior managers from ever having to spend even five minutes of their day worrying about the process.
The officers' report also warned that two experienced members of staff were due to retire in September.
Widespread layoffs mean that experienced managers and staff are now available, easing one of the long-standing problems in Asian retailing.
Live shows require satellite links, for example, and navigating local permitting rules to obtain alcohol licenses and find staff experienced enough to serve booze can be costly.
The new head refused to listen to advice from experienced members of staff and had a "divide and rule" policy, dropping team meetings and - Mr A says - losing the respect of staff and pupils.
The hospital said its campaign targeted experienced and newly qualified staff for all departments.
He hired a staff of experienced fundraisers with a history of running charities and nonprofits, which can be unusual among celebrity-driven charities, she said.
CNN: Livestrong likely to survive Armstrong doping admission
"Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust would like to apologise to patients and staff who experienced problems parking at the University Hospital of Wales this morning, " said a spokesman for the trust.
Reuters has recently experienced fatalities among its own staff -- just one month earlier it had mourned the death of Hiro Muramoto, an agency cameraman shot dead in clashes between Thai troops and anti-government protestors on April 10th.
Nearly one-in-five workers at a Sussex NHS trust have experienced bullying, according to a staff survey.
But she said some care homes had also experienced "problems" with British staff.
We have a very experienced and fully trained team of staff who are very caring and put 100% into their job role.