In Japan the government is using its fibers in experimentally wiring an entire Japanese town, Nara.
So far, though, this has been experimentally limited to small particles and a few tiny molecules.
Sarah Kraak, who also works at Berne, set out to prove this point experimentally.
You'd need to show that if you deactivate those brain areas experimentally people will think more innovatively.
WSJ: Mind & Matter: Alison Gopnik on Beating the Brain's Curbs on Innovation
If Dr Lisi can calculate the masses of these, he will have made predictions that can be tested experimentally.
ECONOMIST: A shape could describe the cosmos and all it contains
In particular these results are at best open to interpretation and at worst may be the product of experimentally induced artifacts.
FORBES: Big Study Linking Chronic Fatigue To Virus May Be Fatally Flawed
Crucially, recipients earn the prize for inspired contributions that have yet to be experimentally verified, a tactic the Nobel committee eschews.
Among other curiosities, this leads to the startling idea (which has been proved experimentally) that a vacuum is not empty space.
To test their technology, Rabiner and Hare used it to experimentally treat prostate enlargement, where the prostate grows and compresses the urethra.
Your theories, in addition, do not contain any experimentally verifiable element.
In a very controversial case, Downes ruled that the government was wrong to have experimentally introduced the wolves to an area where the animal was already found.
To explore the gene's role, Dr Eric Reiman and colleagues experimentally "silenced" GAB2 in neurons and observed an increase in a key protein, tau, that contributes to these tangles.
Some children learn experimentally and some people learn contextually.
In fact, the relativistic offset correction Easton applied to that satellite is still used by every GPS satellite now in orbit, and it also helped to experimentally verify Einstein's theory of relativity for good measure.
ENGADGET: GPS pioneer Roger L. Easton inducted into National Inventors Hall of Fame
Solenoid beams have already proven their "tractor beam" abilities in laboratory tests published in the journal Optics Express, but the pulling power of Bessel beams, presented on the preprint server Arxiv in February, remains to be proved experimentally.
And there was also the first report on a new way of conducting an election, being tried experimentally in the French presidential election, devised by a mathematician who hopes it may overcome many of the flaws in other voting systems.
According to Virginia Walbot, a botanist at Stanford University who is one of the Nature paper's authors, the Arabidopsis sequence will be a boon to researchers working on economically important plants, such as maize, that have large genomes which are harder to alter experimentally.