Real-estate experts point out that valuing real estate is more subjective than valuing most other investments.
Politics aside, experts point out that classifying an attack as terrorism carries important legal and investigative meaning.
CNN: Obama has learned tough lessons on using the word 'terror'
However, many experts point out that the relentless march of Moore's Law could stumble when components get so small they become unreliable.
Other experts point out that companies face a fundamental difficulty.
But experts point out that most of the rebuilding in the Gulf region figures to be put off for months--or even years--as home owners and politicians haggle with insurance companies over coverage.
Officials and outside experts point out that a lack of expertise is also a challenge for the parliament, whose role in lawmaking in complex areas such as finance is more critical than ever.
Canadian health officials will be using a stockpile of vaccine to make the shots easily available during the games -- although experts point out that it takes seven to 10 days to develop immunity after the vaccine.
Experts also point out that energy markets are changing with the US boom in shale gas, which has brought down prices, and this makes commercial decisions tougher.
In their Friday-night spinathon, Microsoft's legal experts hastened to point out that this conclusion is not a certainty.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Cover: 'Microsoft Enjoys Monopoly Power...'
The FAA's abundance of caution shouldn't be allowed to damage the Dreamliner's image, say experts, who point out that no one has been hurt in any of the Dreamliner incidents.
Although manufacturers and experts are careful to point out that these systems can't undo every fool-hearty driving maneuver, they can, at least, prevent a slight misjudgement from becoming an automatic disaster.
Art-world experts are quick to point out that the market today has a strong foundation, with a cheap dollar and stable equity markets, in contrast to the puffed up prices of a decade and a half ago that were largely driven by the hyperactive Japanese economy.
Not all experts believe that genetic modification is the way forward - some point out that rather than enhancing the protein content of potatoes, the government could simply ensure the availability of foods which are already rich in protein, such as pulses.
After Tuesday's Fed rate cut - its third rate cut this year - most experts believe that another UK rate cut in on the cards - although the Bank will be careful to point out that it takes decisions on the basis of the situation of the UK economy.
Even those experts who think a little toddler tube-time is harmless are nonetheless quick to point out that there is no evidence to support the educational claims made by the makers of baby electronics.
Now, I should point out and I'm sure you've heard from a number of experts and economists that this is not a cliff, but it is a tumble downward.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at a Business Council Dinner