Nevertheless, given the stock's rapid climb, many experts recommend an overall exposure of 3% to 5%.
Some financial experts recommend you pay off the credit card with the highest interest rate first.
Public health experts recommend lightly misting indoor and outdoor hard surfaces before gently sweeping ash.
Some experts recommend a different strategy for health: Don't look for sexy health claims or newfangled additives.
Experts recommend that children have regular eye exams, including color-vision tests, starting between ages 3 and 5.
Damaging rays from the sun are cumulative, so experts recommend wearing protective sunglasses and hats starting at a young age.
Experts recommend that you use bubblers or drip irrigation systems that deliver the water very close to the young plants.
Though experts recommend networking constantly, many professionals find it difficult to maintain business relationships and keep up with everyday life.
Experts recommend that people should try to be active for half an hour on five or more days of the week.
Hall, a 52-year-old yoga instructor who lives in Southern California, has had two or three mammograms, far fewer than experts recommend.
Experts recommend flu vaccines, which have been found to be 62% effective.
Two weeks advance notice is still standard but experts recommend offering more time if you've worked at the company for more than five years.
For all of the technology that's out there, though, some experts recommend taking a very basic first step when one spouse suspects another of financial mischief.
Experts recommend spending at least a couple of hours a week participating in online and offline networking activities that should include phone calls, emails and live meetings.
Most experts recommend keeping three to six months of living expenses in an emergency fund, more if the economy is in bad shape or your job is insecure.
Experts recommend taking the GMAT by May so you have time to retake the test in case you want to improve your score by the mid-October application deadline.
Some doctors and diet experts recommend that patients consume fish three times a week or take fish-oil supplements so they get enough omega-3 fatty acids to obtain health benefits.
Experts recommend waiting to jump in until your start-up is fully functioning because effectively managing one or more social-networking profiles can take a great deal of time and energy.
Experts recommend referring to that list whenever confidence dips.
Southern states are generally poorer than northern states, and they tend to have more residents without health insurance who may forgo the regular screening that experts recommend for people over age 50, Jemal explains.
If you don't have other assets to give away, some experts recommend you or the business purchase a life-insurance policy in a trust in order to shelter the death benefit from the estate tax.
To relax the eyes, some experts recommend that for every 20 minutes spent staring at a computer, people should take a break for 20 seconds and look at least 20 feet away, ideally out a window.
That said, most physicians and public health experts recommend people to stick to the basics for flu prevention: washing your hands thoroughly, getting a flu shot, staying home for work or school to avoid spreading the virus, and vigorously cleaning surfaces that you frequently touch.
"I think most charity experts recommend giving cash donations, but I also tell people that in fact the most valuable contributions are not the contributions made after the fact, but contributions that allow charities, especially disaster relief organizations, to prepare for helping the victims of the next disaster, " Sterns said.
Second, see if your plan has a contribution rate escalator, which allows you to have your contributions slowly raised periodically until you reach your target contribution rate. (Of course, it only takes a few minutes each year to do the same thing manually on your own.) Going from 6% to 15% (which many retirement experts recommend as a target saving rate) may sound impossible, but how about a 1% increase?
Health experts now recommend that women who are planning to become pregnant take a supplement of vitamin D as well as folic acid.
On Wednesday and Thursday the FDA will ask a panel of experts to recommend the best practices for monitoring patients with the devices.
About 70% of the drivers in the study said they stopped for a nap when they were tired - something that road safety experts strongly recommend.
Experts also recommend storing bank records, important contact information for creditors and insurance companies, as well as copies of social security cards and drivers licenses in a safe, second location.
CNN: High tides and higher interest rates: Wading through financial storms