If pay rises in a down year or vice versa, explain clearly to shareholders why this occurred.
So I want to try to explain as clearly as I can exactly what health reform would mean for small business owners like you and the workers you employ.
Following an agreement with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Santander has agreed to write to 270, 000 customers to explain more clearly what occurred in December 2008, and to help them understand whether they were affected.
Peter Riddell, late of The Times, now of the Institute for Government, suggested politicians should simplify their language and explain things clearly. (Politicians who routinely refer to "Silk" or "Barnett" without explanation please take note).
If you do the right thing, and you explain it clearly and you do it openly, I'm confident that the American people -- you can have an adult conversation and say, this is not going to be easy, this is not going to be painless, we're going to be struggling for a while, but our future is bright.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
"My trip is to explain as clearly as I can that our nation is generous and compassionate -- that when we see poverty, we care, that when we see illiteracy, we want to do something about it, that when we find there to be a deficiency in health care, we'll help to the extent we can, " he said.
Further, he has the extraordinary ability to explain his insights clearly and memorably to the average person.
This movie topped my previous version of this list, and so I need to explain something very clearly.
FORBES: The New Top 20 Best Comic Book Superhero Films Of All Time - Revised Edition
In this worn out state one is asked to clearly explain prove and document what has been going on.
FORBES: How to Tell If Your Boss Is a Narcissist-- And 5 Ways to Avoid Getting Fired by One
Science journalists have a duty to explain the science clearly and that includes communicating risks in a way that readers can understand.
If you disagree with the correction, you should respond, in writing, as soon as feasible and be sure to clearly explain why you disagree.
In fact, try one of these methods to see if they are able to clearly explain to you how to enroll as a student there.
FORBES: Avoiding the Diploma Mill - How to Choose an Online School
For those who are not familiar with it -- and I want to make sure that I explain this as clearly as possible -- Medicare provides a guaranteed benefit.
WHITEHOUSE: Tele-Town Hall: The Affordable Care Act & Seniors
Be sure to keep in mind that potential investors might not be as familiar with your industry so you have to clearly explain your concept and where it fits in.
Hawking is one of the few scientists known to a wide audience outside academia thanks to his best-selling books, a guest spot on "The Simpsons" and an ability to clearly explain the complexities of theoretical physics.
CNN: Hawking: If we survive the next 200 years, we should be OK
And if you find yourself afraid to engage with an answer, or you find yourself struggling to back up your conclusions and opinions with reason, or you find the mere suggestion that your position ought to be explainable offensive, I would strongly suggest you re-examine your position: if you cannot plainly, clearly explain why you hold the beliefs you do, they are, in all likelihood, standing on shaky ground.
Here I explain my reservations as clearly as I can about libertarianism in practice vs. libertarianism in theory.
At two appearances the following day, Clinton departed from his prepared text to emphasize that it would be necessary from now on to explain to people more clearly the ways that trade benefited them and to open up the WTO so that its rulings were more legitimate in the eyes of the people they affected.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Business: Rage Against The Machine
To explain the graph a bit more clearly, the X axis is months and years, while the Y axis is the volume of industrial activity as a percentage of the average monthly output of 2009 (which, it should be noted, was depressed as a result of the global financial crisis).
FORBES: Russian Industrial Production Increases by 4% over 1st Quarter 2011
But as I repeatedly, clearly, in great detail explain with breakdowns of finances involved, the slopping of one or two of the three solo films combined with the third film doing only modest business would STILL not sink a JL film at all, unless Batman and Superman ALSO flopped.
FORBES: How Warner Bros. Should Develop A Justice League Movie - UPDATED
In fact, there were times when it clearly appeared that he wanted to explain what had happened, the document said.
Clearly, the feds reviewed the CIA carefully and this may explain why criminal charges were not filed concurrently.
FORBES: Did Novartis Violate Its Corporate Integrity Agreement?
Clearly, Congressional leaders should face up to that question and explain what they intend do with it, or at least come up with an alternative jobs plan.
FORBES: Obama, Congressional Leaders Must Meet With Occupy Wall Street Leaders
Clearly the prejudices acquired by age 18 are not quite sufficient to explain the impact of lovers acquired afterwards.
How in the world do explain the above Tweet going out and then sending out Tweets where they were clearly trying to capitalize on something that was both horrific and very popular among social media users?