Labour MPs and trade unions say zero hours contracts strip workers of their rights and are exploitative.
They also repudiated liberal international trade, because the terms of global commerce were deemed exploitative and unfair.
And some nonprofit organizations discount the for-profit motives of the private sector, seeing them as exploitative and off-mission.
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There is the mass-market segment: bland, commoditised, low-margin, fast turnover, and unsavourily exploitative if you look too closely.
They are grateful if they are still employed, although some note that employment conditions are becoming more exploitative.
It was also an exploitative empire, controlling many other states around the Mediterranean.
Survivor testimony published by the Justice for Magdalenes campaign group also depicted the workhouses as harsh and exploitative places.
According to new research, dirty money leads to selfish, greedy, exploitative behaviours, while clean cash promotes fairness and reciprocity.
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They like to weave their franchises into TV shows and their theme parks, but in a classy, non exploitative way.
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Is there something exploitative about handing a megaphone and a fat wad of cash to someone who suffers from pathological impulsivity?
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True, the parties agreed to the transaction ahead of time, but the arrangement can nonetheless become exploitative, or so it is argued.
English actor Ilan Goodman plays the sleazy and exploitative club owner Nazari.
Mr Jefferies said the coverage had been "as sensational, as exploitative, as titillating to appeal in every possible way to people's voyeuristic instincts".
"We're laying the foundation for a more effective international legal framework, to shut down exploitative online enterprises, " he told a joint news conference in Brussels.
Telecoms equipment maker Huawei accuses InterDigital of "abusing" its position and demanding "exploitative" fees to use its patented technology, said to be essential to 3G in mobile devices.
Yet the movie itself is hardly free of exploitative tricks, and what seemed, a decade ago, like an unprecedented exposure of our viewing habits now verges on a gruelling condescension.
The report's authors also called for more action by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to tackle minimum wage violations and exploitative employers not passing on PAYE tax and National Insurance.
It is much easier to pin down criminal activity in Wall Street trading than in the fraudulent or exploitative practices of large banks before and during the financial meltdown of 2008.
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We will continue to challenge exploitative practices, despite your view that it is the role of business only to make money, regardless of the price paid by workers or their families.
The Lee-Junior relationship began as a mutually exploitative one.
Even if consumers enjoy their games, brands like EA and Activision as brands are almost always met with disdain because of their various exploitative business practices that consumers view as money hungry.
Exploitative fishing can alter the genetics of local stocks by selecting out big ones - in the North Sea, for example, cod are reaching maturity earlier and at smaller size as a result.
On a larger scale, the United Students Against Sweatshops all but eradicated products that were created by exploitative labor for sale on campuses, simply by raising awareness among students and demanding more from manufacturing standards.
Bickering over whether the ideological mooring of German economic policy is left or right, if its European policy is collaborative or exploitative misses the point the whole ethos of the German model is that the binary does not apply.
Media internships seem to be especially exploitative: an NUJ survey last year found that eight out of ten interns had not been paid for work they had published, and a fifth said they had worked for more than three months under such terms.