Abandoning the euro currency would have significant costs, especially for Germany as a heavily export-oriented economy.
"The government is determined to keep the export-oriented industries free from political strife, " he said.
He says he wants an open, export-oriented economy, kind to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
Three years ago John Casella hired Soutter away from export-oriented Cranswick Estate to aim for sales abroad.
Now Australia's focus is on bushfires again, and the impact it might have on export-oriented food production.
Despite a well diversified and large economy, a gradual loss of competitiveness has eroded its export-oriented industrial base.
It highlights the advantages to be gained by adopting a competitive export-oriented focus.
So world-class, export-oriented manufacturing companies based in Japan could lead Japanese stocks higher.
Anecdotal evidence abounds of falling employment, particularly in construction, mining and export-oriented manufacturing.
KfW backs export-oriented firms and small businesses, lending at low rates, and deals with the privatisation of German state-owned enterprises.
This has been the case with China, which has been showing remarkable improvement in its export-oriented HSBC Purchasing Managers Index.
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It further confirms that China is on track to transition from a construction and export-oriented economy to a consumer-oriented economy.
The large-cap and export-oriented companies will still do well, but the real opportunity is in the small-cap segment of emerging markets.
While conceding holes in the date where oil and finance should be, it says there's a shortfall in export-oriented firms in Scotland.
Privately owned export-oriented factories have closed, the fresh credit has tended to go into speculative investments, and infrastructure spending takes time to ramp up.
The yuan's acceptance among investors would also require the kind of reform China needs to wean its economy from its investment-heavy, export-oriented growth model.
If the government meets its goal of massively expanding the export-oriented manufacturing sector, for example, India will become another big target for developed-country protectionists.
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First, it is much smaller than China, so it will have to be more export-oriented and it will have to work harder for foreign investment.
Fruit farmers complain that unscrupulous agents have damaged the reputation of their export-oriented industry by dumping poor-quality apples, pears and peaches on the European markets.
The recession hit the west's export-oriented industry harder than the east's.
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These export-processing zones provided for duty-free entry and duty-free exit for export-oriented goods and helped in the transfer of technology and skill to the developed countries.
In an important step forward, countries with large surpluses and export-oriented countries agreed to take additional steps to support growth and boost demand in their own countries.
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This way, runs the governor's logic, he will be able to help export-oriented companies to grow and at the same time suppress the rial's chronic tendency to oscillate.
Investors are dumping the currency because the Canadian economy is widely perceived as commodity-based and export-oriented at a time when commodity prices are depressed and export markets are sluggish.
Land will often be provided by state governments at concessionary rates, and both developers and operating units can receive tax breaks for up to 15 years, provided they are export-oriented.
The amendment, which needs to be ratified by Parliament, also calls for the formation of a workers' welfare fund into which owners of export-oriented Bangladeshi companies will be ordered to contribute.
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The strengthening in the yen throws a spanner in the works for the Japanese government, which has been trying to weaken the currency in hopes of reviving the battered, relatively export-oriented economy.
Police arrested the owner of the building and three proprietors of export-oriented garment factories, alleging that they compelled people to work in the building despite it developing visible cracks a day before the tragedy.
"These include the rigidities in labour and services markets, and low levels of innovation, which continue to drive France's gradual but sustained loss of competitiveness and the gradual erosion of its export-oriented industrial base, " Moody's said.
In a recent study of seven different sectors of the Thai economy, McKinsey, a consultancy, found that poor government regulation was the single biggest barrier to productivity growth in almost every instance, whether in manufacturing or services, in export-oriented or locally consumed products.