The government's export credit agency, the Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD), will launch an Export Working Capital Scheme, a Bond Support Scheme, and will support banks offering foreign exchange hedging contracts to SMEs by sharing credit risk.
It has been late in paying several foreign debts, including one to Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department.
The government's new investment and export-promotion department aims to lure enough foreign companies to the country to provide jobs for most of Oman's school-leavers by the time the oil runs out in 15 years' time.
ECONOMIST: The Gulf: Young, rich, idle, like it or not | The
The Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD), however, sees its role less as an active promoter of British exports than as a last-ditch line of defence when the market has no answer (it is also charged with making a profit).
Particularly coming, as it does, in the wake of two years' worth of Congressional hearings detailing a variety of export control problems -- from satellite licensing scandals to export control administration problems, and high-performance computer exports to alleged abuses of Commerce Department discretion in the export control process -- we believe that S.1712 fails to protect U.S. national security interests.
Washington, DC 20510
Jesse Helms (R-NC) which would authorize the Defense Department to review export licenses for Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya and any other countries judged to be involved in the acquisition of chemical, biological, nuclear or ballistic missile technology.
Mr. Obama's proposal at the time was for Congress to grant him "consolidation authority" to combine executive branch functions, specifically singling out the five housing agencies and the six shops that deal with business like the Commerce Department and the Export-Import Bank.
Bristow said an element of the night vision kit had required an export agreement with the US State Department.
Before 1999, when the State Department took over the export regulation of satellites, America dominated commercial satellite-making with an average market share of 83%.
The charges include conspiracy to kill US nationals abroad, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction against US nationals abroad, distributing information on making and using explosive devices, and conspiracy to export Stinger missiles, the Justice Department said.
After holding hearings on U.S. licensed sales to Iraq in September 1990, the House Government Operations Committee sought from the Commerce Department's Bureau of Export Administration, managed by then-Under Secretary of Commerce Dennis Kloske, a list of all U.S. dual-use exports licensed for sale to Iraq between 1985 and 1990.
Other fears are that the Asian economic recovery will prove less muscular than hoped (the port of Seattle is a major export route to Asia) and that the Department of Justice may carry out its veiled threats to break up Microsoft.
This collaboration went so far as to involve Commerce Department assistance to Gejdenson in drafting the Export Facilitation Act of 1990 legislation formally opposed by the Bush Administration.
The greatest single point of failure in maintaining a credible export control system was the neutering of the Defense Department's traditional role as the conservative anchor of the process.
Huawei executives insist they weren't trying to hide anything from the government and note that they filed with the Commerce Department seeking to classify the technology under export control requirements before the company completed the acquisition.
The Department of Energy is considering applications for new export terminals and conversions of idle import terminals that want to export.
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"This prosecution is one of the largest resolutions of export violations with a major defense contractor in the Justice Department's history, " Fein said.
"You have so many old families who have things in their collection which are not notified with the department of cultural heritage, so they can export freely, " he said.
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Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's CCC and the Export-Import Bank should be compelled by the Congress to reveal as soon as possible all available data, on a transaction by transaction basis, concerning their respective allocations of American loan guarantees destined for the Soviet Union.
Interestingly, just a few months ago, it was this same subcommittee that voted out legislation, subsequently adopted by the full House on 6 June 1990, which would greatly relax U.S. export controls and sharply diminish the influence of the Defense Department in opposing ill-advised transfers of militarily relevant technologies.
Although, as the Cox report says, China has been enjoying pretty unrestricted access to America for 20 years and in Republican and Democratic administrations alike, it was under Mr Clinton that the programme of official military exchanges was revived, and that supervision of export sales of satellite technology was removed from the State Department to the far laxer Commerce Department.
Joseph Glauber, chief economist at America's Department of Agriculture, reckons that restraints on the export of wheat may have added as much as 20% to wholesale prices though not as much at the retail level.
In no respect is this more true than in this legislation's determination to give wholesale discretion to the Department of Commerce vis-a-vis the Defense Department and the Intelligence Community in controlling national security export controls.
Washington, DC 20510
The Center for Security Policy today learned that the Commerce Department has decided to decontrol yet another strategic technology for export to the Soviet Union and its allies.
Huawei submitted a timely request to the Bureau of Industry and Security at the Department of Commerce in advance of completing the purchase in May and the Department of Commerce certified that no license was required to export the 3Leaf technology.
As part of these responsibilities, the Export Promotion Cabinet, in coordination with the Advocacy Center at the Department of Commerce, is focused on ensuring that the Federal Government's commercial advocacy effectively promotes exports by U.S. businesses, particularly by those firms competing for international contracts against foreign firms that may benefit from strong home government support.
In a 4 June 1990 memorandum provided to Secretary of Commerce Robert Mosbacher, however, Commerce Department Inspector General Frank De George contends that the Bureau of Export Administration altered information on this computer print-out on at least 68 separate export licenses.
This is the direct result of major rewrites of the Export Administration Act in 1985 and 1988, by which Congress awarded the Commerce Department exclusive responsibility in a number of relevant areas.
Today, the Commerce Department is informing the member nations of the Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM) that the United States will decontrol the sale of wire-bonding technology to "proscribed destinations, " i.e. the Warsaw Pact.