• The restrictions also mean that an exporting country now has an obligation to determine that the number of trees being cut down is not detrimental to the survival of the species.

    BBC: Cites meeting: Ebony beats ivory in conservation stakes

  • The outlook for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Country's meeting on Thursday, in which OPEC is expected to report unchanged output and increased global demand for oil, sent oil's price down in pre-market trading.


  • If Western consumers demand organic food among their imports, is that foisting an inappropriate standard upon growers in poor countries, or is it potentially helping to set better standards for farmers' health and welfare in the exporting country?

    BBC: Food: Organic growth?

  • When Mr Bush imposed the duties to protect the American steel industry last year, he sparked protests from just about every steel-exporting country all were outraged by what they saw as a flagrant breach of international trade rules.

    ECONOMIST: Will there ever be a breakthrough?

  • China is the largest solar panel exporting country, and its dominance has riled rivals who have successfully won anti-dumping and illegal subsidy trade complaints against Chinese manufactures in the U.S. Similar complaints are underway in Europe.

    FORBES: First Solar, SunPower Ink Major Deals In China

  • Then eyes turned to the U.S., the only country exporting more meat than Brazil.

    FORBES: JBS: The Story Behind The World's Biggest Meat Producer

  • Meanwhile, Korea, the country exporting these esteemed brands is best known for kimchee (pickled cabbage) and its annoying northern neighbor.

    FORBES: Why Korea Needs To Become A Brand

  • One reason: The South American country is exporting more goods to China than it is importing from it.

    FORBES: U.K. No Longer Sixth-Largest Economy. The New No. 6 Won't Surprise You

  • Under Mongolian law, dinosaur fossils are property of the Mongolian government and exporting them from the country is a criminal offense.

    CNN: Dinosaur bones headed home to Mongolia

  • Consol and other U.S. coal companies hope to be able to keep mines active by exporting more of the country's huge reserves.

    MSN: Coal producers find themselves in a hard place

  • The country is exporting about 470, 000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil this year down from an average of 503, 000 bpd in 2009 and has proven crude reserves of about 6 billion barrels.

    FORBES: Ecuador: Correa's Play for Greater Influence in the Oil Sector

  • They include George Saitoti, Mr Moi's longest serving vice president, who has been implicated in Kenya's biggest corruption scandal, in which kickbacks were paid to a phoney company exporting gold from a country that doesn't have any.

    BBC: NEWS | Africa | Little to celebrate as Kenya turns 40

  • Once they have bought raw materials and other inputs, they must make their products before exporting them to a destination country.

    ECONOMIST: International trade

  • Outside of stocks, OPEC is warning that quota cuts will be necessary when the United Nation lifts sanctions against Iraq, which will allow that country to start exporting oil again.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Department of Commerce is proposing to increase the number of small and medium AAPI businesses that exporting to a second or additional country by providing export-related training and business-to-business networking sessions to minority-owned companies.

    WHITEHOUSE: Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Blog

  • The proportion of foreign-born residents in Italy grew from 0.8% in 1990 to 7% in 2010, a huge turnaround for a country that had been exporting large numbers of Italians for a hundred years, starting in the third quarter of the 19th century.

    ECONOMIST: The world comes to Italy

  • If it had to, the country could enjoy life without exporting or importing.

    FORBES: Why Alternative Energy, Part Two

  • One is the control of mineral wealth: the diamond trade thrives in and around Kisangani, and some Ugandans close to Mr Museveni have grown rich exporting gold and other commodities from the country's north-east.

    ECONOMIST: Congo��s hidden war

  • If exporting brawn generally makes sense for a poor country, sending its better brains away may not.

    ECONOMIST: Open up | The

  • Professor John Kay, who served on the Scottish government's Council of Economic Advisers, told a BBC documentary, Scotched Earth, that whisky's recent exporting success had brought "disappointing" benefits to its country of origin.

    BBC: Moray whisky trail 'a missed opportunity'

  • In less than three decades the country has gone from being a food importer to a global breadbasket, exporting everything from soybeans to sugar, beef and orange juice, often at the expense of the environment.


  • Trade allows a country to shift its pattern of production in such a way that, after exporting those goods it does not want and importing those it does, it can consume more without there having been any increase in its available resources.

    ECONOMIST: Profits over people

  • If a weaker country left, risking not just European banks but also the currency, it would become a pariah exporting its pain to its neighbours.

    ECONOMIST: The future of the euro: Don't do it | The

  • We're putting this economy, through these governors, Mr. President, and putting this country on track to lead the world in clean coal technology which we can export -- including exporting to China, which China is building coal-powered plants at a rate of one per month -- one per month.

    WHITEHOUSE: Meeting with Governors on Energy Policy

  • The big concern in the U.S. is not which country has the largest navy or nuclear arsenal, but whether China, Japan, and the oil exporting nations, will continue to buy U.S. bonds, and hold U.S. dollars in their central bank reserves, happy to be the largest foreign holders of U.S. debt.

    FORBES: China: The Next Ill Wind?

  • He said the coalition had "cut the deficit by over a quarter" and that now the UK was "exporting more cars than it imports for the first time since 1976, the last time a Labour government bankrupted the country".

    BBC: Balls: UK 'crying out' for growth

  • It seems strange to worry about China exporting inflation as Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England, did recently when the country's consumer-price inflation is less than 1.5% and its vast manufacturing (over)capacity has led to a steady drop in global goods prices from shoes to electronics.

    ECONOMIST: China's economy

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