Nor does he have anything bad to say about Ranta or express concern about lawsuits.
Not a day goes by without someone standing up in some capital to express concern about Syria.
Mr Paisley said a Catholic priest from west Belfast had approached him to express concern about the issue.
Two reports published Tuesday express concern about the lingering effects of oil spilled from the ruptured BP well.
Still, Republicans who might wish to consider Mr. Santorum often express concern about the drubbing he took in 2006.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Rick Santorum: 'Supply-Sider' for the Working Man
While some bankers and economists express concern about the plan, reaction has been largely favorable, as NPR's Wendy Kaufman reports.
He said the session was a chance to express concern about the lack of progress by the Iraqi government in meeting benchmarks.
It should be noted that many individual investors continue to express concern about interest rates, particularly the timing and magnitude of rate hikes.
In reaction to the statements by China's Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Plummer said that it was entirely normal for a country to express concern about "unfair treatment" of a company headquartered in its borders.
WSJ: Huawei Drops Attempt to Buy U.S. Technology Assets From 3Leaf
Approximately 100 protesters gathered earlier to express their concern about possible consequences for biodiversity.
We are writing you to express our concern about the impending termination of the B-2 bomber production line.
U.S. President Bill Clinton called Suharto from Air Force One Jan. 9 to express his concern about Indonesia's turmoil.
Consequently, it is somewhat heretical to hear Mr. Romney express grave concern about the potential economic impact of embracing the conservative consensus and slashing the deficit quickly.
Gordon did express some concern about the tight timeline.
FORBES: In A Bold Move, Massachusetts Stakes Out Its Role in US Offshore Wind Development
Last night at the debate -- at the Republican debate, not only did Ron Paul express a concern about that provision but Rick Santorum, not known for being libertarian or liberal on these issues, said that he thought the way the law was before was more appropriate than this new law.
As attorneys representing tax-exempt organizations, we are writing to express our grave concern about recent unlawful disclosures of pending applications and unredacted tax returns of certain tax-exempt organizations.
Obama will also express concern and ask about whether Japan will be able to restart nuclear power plants, and, if not, how Japan can limit the enormous costs and dislocations that will result from permanent closure.
FORBES: The Noda-Obama Summit and U.S. Defense "Rebalancing" toward Asia
And some people did express, you know, concern and sadness about the innocent Lebanese, on the other side of the border, who are being killed.
Ambulance chiefs went to Tomintoul in response to local concern about the issue and to express their regret at Ms Mathieson's death.
Former Vice President and Minnesota Senator Walter Mondale, who helped to write the Fair Housing Act, somehow heard about the case and called Mayor Coleman, a fellow Democrat, to express his concern.
Indian officials were also visibly perturbed by reports about Mr Putin possibly visiting Pakistan, following a senior Russian official's visit to Islamabad to express concern over the Taliban's activities.