Expressing gratitude and appreciation for these qualities creates a loving, accepting atmosphere for everyone.
So it is strange, to say the least, that the ads feature Americans expressing gratitude for the program.
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The Ripken family released a statement expressing gratitude for Violet Ripkin's safe return.
Whether or not you are religious, expressing gratitude (even to your employees, partners, customers, etc.) will give you the humility needed to continue on.
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Still, the campaign video included a clip of Romney late on Jan. 8, expressing gratitude for what he suggested was a record-setting flood of political money.
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Although it features a quote from Steve Ballmer expressing gratitude for Sinofsky's years of work and another from the man himself talking of the professionalism and generosity of everyone at "this awesome company", there is no explanation of why he is leaving.
It may have been unauthorised and unsolicited - the creative homework of a junior official - but its indignant tone catches something of the frustrations of a continent weary of expressing gratitude, and increasingly determined to meet the outside world as partners rather than supplicants.
In expressing his gratitude, OHSU School of Medicine Dean Mark Richardson, M.
Instead of just keeping that information to myself, I set a goal of expressing my gratitude to at least two people every week.
FORBES: The Art of Gratitude: A Simple Trick for Life and Work
And guests will also be able to write a note expressing their gratitude for the service that all of you have given to this country.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Previews the 2012 White House Holiday Decorations | The White House
Expressing his gratitude for the efforts of the international community in calling for his release, Mr Fatullayev said the prize was in fact a tribute to all journalists who strived to protect freedom of speech.
Mr. Obama this week sent a confidential letter to the Kyrgyz leader implicitly asking him to reconsider by "expressing his gratitude to the nation and government of Kyrgyzstan for its efforts to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan and in the fight against international terrorism and narcotics trafficking, " according to a summary released by the Kyrgyz government yesterday.
During this day of recognition, let us honor their sacrifice once more by expressing our deepest gratitude to our service members, our veterans, our military families, and all those who have given so much to keep our country safe.