The Abstract Expressionist painter Clyfford Still numbered his canvases because no words could do them justice.
The drawings that worked best for me were portraits with a spooky, expressionist quality to them.
Mitchell, the late Chicago-born painter known for splattering strokes and bold colors, operated just outside circles of older abstract-expressionist peers like de Kooning and Pollock.
The first room has Expressionist portraits he did of his friends in Berlin (the writers Raoul Hausmann and Rudolf Borchardt among others) that testify to his early rebelliousness.
Jackson Pollock, the abstract expressionist - who presumably didn't have an interest in his stockbroker neighbours - resided in the hamlet of Springs until he died there in a car crash.
Given a choice between an exhibit of German Expressionist paintings and a hike up some soul-stirring hill, I'll take the thick brush strokes and green faces every time.
Extradited to Germany in late 1956, he served his jail term, and then faded into obscurity, eking out a living as a self-styled expressionist for his remaining thirty-two years.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
It goes on to pay tribute to news reels and propaganda films and expressionist shorts and most particularly the work of John Grierson who did this observational documentary film making.
One suspects their presence is self-congratulatory, a reminder that Buffalo has opened its doors to many innovators, not only the Abstract Expressionist painters with whom the Albright-Knox is closely associated.
WSJ: Wish You Were Here | Albright-Knox | They Shuffled Off to Buffalo | By Richard B. Woodward
He started out as a gifted Abstract Expressionist painter.
WSJ: The Seductive Lure of Abstraction | Sightings by Terry Teachout
Mark di Suvero. (Applause.) The 2010 National Medal of Arts to Mark di Suvero for his achievements as one of the most prominent American artists to emerge from the Abstract Expressionist era.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2010 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal Ceremony | The White House
An unstated aspect of the engagement is that most haunted, expressionist figures and faces we see today are likely not ones glimpsed in real life but images in the news or movies or works of art.
For the next 20 years they showcased modern art with an emphasis on African-Americans, including work by abstract expressionist Norman Lewis, Boston-born Lois Mailou Jones (known for incorporating African images into her work) and lesser-known Washington-area artists.
Benson, curator of the Robert Gore Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies at the museum, has chosen 150 works that document the zigs and zags of Richter's life as he tried various disciplines and one -ism after another.
According to David Jackson, professor of Russian and Scandinavian art histories at the University of Leeds, these qualities allow people with little knowledge of Expressionist art to relate to what was, when it was first shown, an avant-garde work.
Just as successful was one of the Egon Schiele gouaches that sold to benefit Ronald Lauder's jewel-like little Neue Galerie in New York, and a roughly hewn head in wood carved in 1916-1917 by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, a German Expressionist sculptor.
But inside, an entirely different aesthetic prevailed: Abstract Expressionist paintings by family friends and frequent visitors like Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock and Barnett Newman were positioned beside Minimalist sculptures by the sisters' father, Tony Smith, who was both a celebrated art theorist and something of a homebody.
There are those whose tastes mold institutions, like cosmetics heir Ronald Lauder , who bought his first drawing, a work by Austrian Expressionist Egon Schiele , with money from his bar mitzvah and went on to fund and found the Neue Galerie New York to showcase German and Austrian art.