Dr. Thompson knows that extenuating circumstances are the ones in which you must succeed.
Worst due to extenuating circumstances and no fault of its own: Romeo and Juliet.
Great planners allow for extenuating circumstances while never using them as an excuse to avoid accountability.
Members may be penalized with a fine for missing a meeting, except under extenuating circumstances.
His defence team will have to prove the extenuating circumstances that would justify granting bail.
However, there may well have been extenuating circumstances that prompted to Magistrate to offer leniency.
The defence team would have to prove extenuating circumstances to justify granting bail if schedule 6 remains.
Thus, their stay in Canada was a summer vacation that was extended due to the extenuating circumstance of the lockout.
If the borrower can document extenuating circumstances, the waiting period for a loan with a 90% LTV drops to two years.
But before you start lumping your life savings on a Henman win at Flushing Meadow, you should consider a few extenuating circumstances.
Senior administration officials said the only staffers who didn't meet the deadline were those who were traveling or who had extenuating circumstances.
The administration can point to three extenuating circumstances for the quarter's slide.
And the leaders who demand great plans and proposals must be willing to bring these extenuating circumstances under control or at least factor them in.
From now on INS officials will be allowed to consider extenuating circumstances such as the type of crime committed and the person's length of stay in the country.
For almost all the negatives about the bank perceived from the outside, the bank's non-executives and a good number of its biggest investors would point to extenuating factors.
The crux of the case is that the player, who otherwise appeared to be on his fifth (and illegally extra) year of eligibility, should be allowed on the roster because of extenuating circumstances.
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They imposed long sentences for non-violent drug crimes and they denied judges the power to consider extenuating circumstances, or indeed anything other than the convict's criminal history and the amount of drugs, when sentencing.
However, if you can prove the foreclosure resulted from extenuating circumstances that are unlikely to recur, such as a divorce, catastrophic illness or layoff, the time period may be reduced to as little as three years.
But they did zero in on movies by controlling for a wide range of extenuating factors, including race, household income, school performance, parenting styles, smoking among friends and family members, and even personality traits such as rebelliousness.
There are extenuating circumstances, of course.
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Mr Bascomb's understandable distaste for his subject does not prevent him giving a good flavour of Eichmann's slippery arguments once he went on trial: sometimes denying that he did anything wrong, sometimes saying he was only obeying orders, sometimes pleading other extenuating circumstances.
Although the researchers took into account a wide range of extenuating factors, including diet and exercise regimens, smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, and marital status, it's possible that people who drink coffee differ from the rest of the population in as-yet unidentified ways that make them less vulnerable to disease and early death.
However, I also go to the gym every day, take time to play tennis, meditate and go to my recovery support meeting, meet with friends, and have certain times of the day that are off-limits for doing work (unless very extenuating circumstances), namely the evening from when I pick up my daughter at school until when she goes to sleep.