The problem occurs when external force causes a baby's head to take on an abnormal shape.
While with effort the water can be pushed out of its puddles, when the external force is no longer applied, the water will re-puddle exactly as before.
It could be that being a risk-taker drives you to play more games, or that some external force makes you both play games AND be an unsafe driver.
So liberalisers may have ulterior motives in mind, calculating that external liberalisation will force the pace of domestic financial reform.
Only rarely do external realities so force themselves on a human mind that it is compelled to discard one interpretive theory and adopt an entirely different one.
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Another college coach engages in reprehensible activities and the supervising athletic directors and university presidents do nothing until external investigations and public awareness force their hand.
The idea is to let the army, navy and air force concentrate on external threats, while improving the ability of the police to maintain law and order at home.
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Regulators want to safeguard the strength and soundness of the banks they supervise, so they tend to shield them from the full force of domestic or external competition.
Nor do they envisage a customs union, with a shared external tariff, since that would force either low- or high-tariff countries to make dramatic changes in economic policy.
The risk must be that whatever government emerges will only prove an interlude before a fresh crisis, in which external pressure once again is required to force Rome to confront the Italian economy's structural shortcomings, perhaps in return for a deal with the European Central Bank to support the government bond market under its Outright Market Transactions program.
Jeremy Hunt, the culture secretary, has also hinted the corporation pays executives too much and wants to force it to open its accounts to external auditors.
Nick Gargan is taking part in a Police Federation debate examining whether some of the force's functions could be improved by external contractors.
In response to the IPCC report on Yates, the Metropolitan Police said the force had been "the subject of much external scrutiny in recent months" and that it would take into account the IPCC report and other recommendations in a review of its practices.
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The force works with local authorities in the region and external organisations.
But he must also pick candidates who have demonstrated that they understand these questions and possess the force of character to make fair and impartial decisions even in the face of external pressure to rule on other grounds.
The coil is suspended in an external magnetic field and the current running through it adjusted so that the attraction between the two magnets balances the gravitational force on the suspended mass.