Due to a reduction in forests, goshawks became extinct as a breeding species in Britain at the end of the 1800s.
Without giving too much away, a near-extinct ancient race makes a cameo experience.
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If a foreign State ceases to exist under international law and, consequently, a bilateral treaty between the extinct State and the United States lapses, the President cannot use the "receive Ambassadors" clause to bring a new treaty into force between the United States and a successor to the extinct State without Senate advice and consent.
Even regarding smallpox, a disease that is extinct but could be revived as a bioterror weapon, there is good news.
In a time where dominant centers are basically extinct, Howard is truly on a level of his own.
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No judicial decision contradicts the scholarly view that a non-dispositive bilateral treaty of an extinct State does not automatically become a treaty of its successor or successors.
With the spirit of bipartisanship almost extinct in Congress, a president must talk directly to the people who elect his opponents.
The muni bond insurance market has decreased 98% since 2007 and the old AAA guaranteed muni bond has become a virtually extinct species.
Although their higher rate of reproduction favours them at first, they easily become extinct when faced with a hazard to which all their members are genetically susceptible.
In Botswana and Zambia, the black Rhino is believed now to be extinct and, across a wide band of Africa, both black and white rhinos are now almost too rare to be counted.
"Good news has become a near-extinct species, " said Bruno Giussani, European director of TED at the opening of the conference.
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The cheetah became extinct in India nearly half a century ago.
One reason for this taxonomic inflation is that the idea of a species becoming extinct is easy to grasp, and thus easy to make laws about.
Far from discovering the Mississippi in 1542, Hernando de Soto's main claim to fame was lending his name nearly 400 years later to a now-extinct Chrysler family sedan.
Only a day after their study was published in the journal Nature, the UN's environment and biodiversity agencies warned that some of the great apes - chimps, gorillas, and orangutans - could be extinct in the wild within a human generation.
Palaeogeneticists at the University of Copenhagen and Michael Bunce at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia determined the half-life after studying a set of 158 DNA-containing bones from an extinct species of bird called "moa" (a feat in and of itself).
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For instance, S-Launcher is a desktop widget that replicates the now-extinct Start Menu, live search and all. eSettings, meanwhile, is a centralized options menu for folks who might not know where to find power management or display settings in Win 8.
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From permits for environmental to water to mitigating the impact on some to be extinct insect, it all takes a long time.
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The charity says those already suffering now face a real threat of becoming extinct.
BBC: Butterflies suffered in cold and wet 2012, says charity
True door-to-door field sales is almost extinct, and has of necessity become a hybrid by our definition.
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It may surprise you to know that despite all of these advantages, the average Fortune 500 is extinct in 40 years half a human lifetime.
This is the first time that a species which was once Extinct in the Wild has improved in status by three full categories on the IUCN Red List.
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Some of us had new Macs, some had high-powered notebooks, and some unfortunate souls had to pedal furiously under their desks to keep a spark running through their extinct models.
This includes the first dodo parts found in a marsh (a complete leg) and many extinct giant tortoise with beautifully preserved shells.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius
He even tried the technique on dinosaurs, and came to the conclusion that Tyrannosaurus Rex--the favorite extinct monster of schoolboys everywhere--was a relative slowpoke.
Lament the lost art of letter writing at this shop, which sells gorgeous handmade stationery, diaries, and wrapping papers embellished with a (previously) near-extinct 17th-century marbleizing technique.
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According to the IUCN the species has a "very real chance of becoming extinct within the next 100 years".
On our first day on Maui, we took a ship-organised excursion to the steepling gorge of Iao Valley State Park, where misty wisps of cloud leant a volcanic air to the long-extinct peaks.
Geologists believe the island is a "plug" left behind from an extinct volcano.
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Little is known about the dodo, a famous flightless bird thought to have become extinct in the 17th Century.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Dodo skeleton find in Mauritius