His taxi driver will refuse to start the meter, demanding an extortionate fare instead.
Icelanders claim that charging 5.5% interest over 15 years is extortionate in an era of near-zero base rates.
ECONOMIST: Worse: a ceremonial president wielding superpowers
In Raba's experience, there continues to be widespread abuses committed by faith-healing "charlatans" offering quick fixes at extortionate prices.
One of the fastest growing businesses on the high street are the payday lenders, sometimes charging extortionate rates of interest.
BBC: Ed Miliband promises councils powers to ban payday lenders
Many of these crimes are essentially a form of extortionate bullying, of a kind that previously would have gone un-reported.
If companies charge extortionate prices because they can, perhaps they ought to get their own house in order before suing customers.
Unsurprisingly, convoluted tax rules combined with extortionate rates tend to encourage non-compliance.
FORBES: Coerced Foreign Tax Compliance Is Killing American Jobs
Some New Orleans neighborhoods remind me of pre-1980 Greenwich Village, offering a charming urban environment without either the extortionate price tag or oppressive density.
Many taxpayers already feel that taxes are extortionate and, fearing even higher levies, have withheld their spending, thereby reducing demand for goods and services.
FORBES: Regulation, The Democrats, and The Parallel Universe
The pay-day industry stands accused of preying on the poor while making extortionate profits and misleading borrowers about the true cost of their loans.
Sports teams and franchises often insure their star players for extortionate sums, and generally take the stand of insuring an entire player rather than their individual parts.
Many less fit and able men perished, while thousands more lived in appalling conditions in overcrowded camps back in Valdez, unable to go on to the diggings or afford the extortionate passage back home.
She also said the fees charged were sometimes "extortionate".
London 02 October 2012: Tep Wireless (www.tepwireless.com) has extended its reach to 17 more countries, offering global travellers unlimited, affordable internet access without the risk of running up extortionate cell phone bills.
ENGADGET: Tep Wireless expands mobile hotspot rental plan to 50 countries, revamps pricing
There may be something out there it badly needs: oil and gas for its expanding economy, or food for its growing population, at non-extortionate prices (and sometimes, maybe, at a special discount).
When the African National Congress came to power in 1994, it inherited big debts and a bunch of public utilities that guzzled subsidies and, for the most part, offered rotten service at extortionate prices.
Provident Financial Chief Executive Robin Ashton told Money Box that he was not in favour of a rate cap and rejected the claim that the 177 per cent APR his company charges is excessive or extortionate.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Interest rates: Does a cap fit?
Europeans, in particular, express sympathy for the argument that both serve the purpose of supplementing low wages, both are implicitly or expressly extortionate in nature and both are paid with the expectation of a quid pro quo.
But there is a belief it remains a decent investment for the long term - not least because rents are extortionate and the increasing number of people who have been moving to the city all need somewhere to live.
Just about the only good thing one might say about this extortionate tactic and the prosecutors who pulled it off (and the judge who approved it) is that when Michael agreed to the terms, the government did indeed go through with its end of the bargain and dismissed the charges against Lowell.
"Pay day and other high interest short term loans will only give you the money until pay day but you have 28 days at extortionate interest rates and on top of that if you're actually lucky enough to be given a cheque you will be charged for cashing that cheque so you won't actually get the full amount, " she added.