Most coveted of all are the pallasites, resplendent with extraterrestrial gemstones fixed in a nickel-iron matrix.
Some UFO followers, or self-proclaimed Ufologists, believe the military is studying extraterrestrial spacecraft there.
Eventually, her face is transformed into a pale, white-lined canvas best summed up as extraterrestrial.
Roswell has dozens of alien souvenir shops and bars selling alien beer, all capitalising on the extraterrestrial economic stimulus.
Scientists don't have any other examples of extraterrestrial environments with this distinction of having been able to support life.
Such schemes gained fame with the project known as SetiAtHome (for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) (FORBES, Nov. 15, 1999).
Together, they could revolutionize our knowledge of the red planet and extraterrestrial life.
The Institute, whose goal is to Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has a clear, attractive layout -- and a sense of humor.
You can watch the full story of the Sagrada Familia's continued development after the break -- with no extraterrestrial interference.
' It is the mirror in which all humans can see themselves as the same, when compared to the extraterrestrial other.
Vakoch admits that the typical SETI approach has been to suppose that long-lived extraterrestrial civilizations would also be far-ranging technical wizards.
FORBES: SETI's 'L Factor':? Will E.T. Actually Be Around Long Enough To Phone Home?
Moreover, a host of new technologies will be required, including more-powerful solar panels, electric-ion engines, extraterrestrial mining equipment and robotic refineries.
Astronomers said Thursday the two planets could provide clues to how planetary systems are formed, and aid the search for extraterrestrial life.
Not content with seeking earthly equivalents of extraterrestrial oceans, he is looking for analogies with the atmospheres of other planets as well.
The larger plan is to prepare for the search for extraterrestrial life by looking for things that live in extreme conditions on Earth.
MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- The European Space Agency got a head start Monday in sending probes to Mars to look for extraterrestrial life.
Most historians agree that Polynesian seafarers arrived around 400 AD, but no one knows for sure -- some have posited an extraterrestrial connection.
As anyone who has seen the Discovery Channel broadcast knows, it did an excellent job of explaining astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
For the phoenix is also a good metaphor for the attitude of those who seek extraterrestrial life: a fire of optimism unquenchable by negative results.
Pretty soon, the hunt for extraterrestrial life, the development of self-driving cars, and the folding of enzymes into novel proteins were being done this way.
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Imagine you are an extraterrestrial on a exploratory mission to Earth.
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So there is good reason to believe that investigating extraterrestrial weather systems could one day help meteorologists to fathom the workings of those on earth.
Over the decades enthusiasm about extraterrestrial life has waxed and waned.
Then, in 1961, a young cosmonaut named Yuri Gagarin lent his human face to a new extraterrestrial space era that threatened to leave the U.S. behind.
Then in 1961, a young cosmonaut named Yuri Gagarin leant his human face to a new extraterrestrial space era that threatened to leave the U.S. behind.
But because earth is home to the only technological civilization thus known, we are severely hamstrung when making assumptions about the longevity of potential extraterrestrial civilizations.
FORBES: SETI's 'L Factor':? Will E.T. Actually Be Around Long Enough To Phone Home?
After funding for SETI, which stands for "Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, " was cut, researchers looked around for a new way to get the computing power they needed.
If the crashing sound of lightning striking Saturn wasn't enough to excite your inner-meteorologist, then perhaps footage of a raging extraterrestrial hurricane will win you over.
The SETI Institute is now offering the world the first taste of raw SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) data collected by the Allen Telescope Array in California.
Such helium was found inside fullerenes in well-studied, clay sediments that contain extraterrestrial iridium and highly shocked minerals resulting from an asteroid impact 65 million years ago.