His office is decorated with gilded chairs and extravagant mouldings, ordered by his predecessor.
The tiled pool is just one of many extravagant features in this 48, 000-square-foot home.
While the hats are extravagant pieces of wearable art, they are also creative pieces of awareness.
Their very success demonstrated that public projects were not necessarily inefficient, extravagant and dishonest.
Extravagant expenditures from which a reasonable person could expect only minimal benefits are not deductible.
Would you then insist that her boyfriend pays for more of her extravagant living?
He says he can't afford to retire because he previously led an extravagant lifestyle.
It was extravagant, but it seemed modest compared to what some of our neighbors were doing.
You cannot deduct expenses that are lavish or extravagant or that are for personal purposes.
Promoters from SFX Entertainment have promised the most extravagant stage spectacle of the singer's 17-year career.
For the well-trained concierge at exclusive Manhattan apartment buildings, no request is too extravagant.
Not even an investor of extravagant tastes like TV star Jim Cramer can stomach it.
But both these ballets kept most of the focus on posture, often shaped by extravagant partnering.
WSJ: The Men (and Women) of San Francisco | San Francisco Ballet | By Robert Greskovic
Over the years, say friends and family, Joe Nahmad changed, from outgoing and extravagant to reclusive.
It blamed Cornwell's losses on the recent recession and on her supposedly extravagant spending habits.
In many ways, he's metaphorical because his life is so extravagant in some ways.
But, of course, where Melville is extravagant and playful, Mr Philbrick is in earnest.
Mr Aliev's triumphal return from America to Azerbaijan this summer was an extravagant affair.
And Tunica is only just starting to dream about the extravagant things it can do.
Historians believe Herod constructed an extravagant, 25m-long tomb for himself before his death.
Things that would seem unreasonably extravagant for yourself are nothing less than a necessity for your dog.
Georgian cuisine is extravagant and bold, rich with walnuts and fragrant herbs like fenugreek and dried marigold.
Discover Dixie just a sashay away with today's extravagant Escape to Cape May's The Southern Mansion.
Dubai, home of the extravagant, also has the world's only 7-star hotel, the Burj Al Arab.
This business will never be low-cost, and in past centuries the Windsor top management enjoyed extravagant perks.
Many Americans were angered by the extravagant compensation that executives reaped at the firms that caused the crisis.
Beyond, the main entry hall contained an immense ceremonial staircase flanked by formal portraits in extravagant gilded frames.
FORBES: Taj Falaknuma Palace: A New Experience of Palatial Splendor
Like their commercial forebears, home spas can range from themodest to the extravagant.
But in 2000-01, the final fiscal year of Labour's first term, Mr Brown gave up prudence and turned extravagant.
Parisian power over la mode dates back to Marie Antoinette and her extravagant collaborations with the dressmaker Rose Bertin.