Extreme poverty in the world has decreased considerably in the past three decades (figure 1).
At one time or another in their lives, they have all lived in extreme poverty.
At that time, the World Bank estimated 125 million people were in extreme poverty.
Poverty affected 70% of Colombians, and 12 million of them lived in extreme poverty, he said.
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According to the World Bank, another 53m people will be pushed into extreme poverty in 2009.
Since 2004 poverty has been reduced by half and extreme poverty has been cut by 70%.
Most people in extreme poverty work on small, rain-fed farms, growing staple grains partly for their own consumption.
The proportion of children living in extreme poverty grew slightly between 1980 and 1997, from 7 to 8 percent.
And while progress is being made in reducing extreme poverty, gaps between rich and poor are widening almost everywhere.
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The two take different approaches to building schools in areas of extreme poverty.
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Donors came from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey and lived in "extreme poverty or acute financial distress", the indictment said.
But if we look deeper via researchers like Jeffrey Sachs, we find the root cause of these problems: extreme poverty.
Early models assumed that extreme poverty in any country would fall by 2% for every 1% increase in its income.
The percentage reduction each year in the percentage of babes and innocents dying as a result of extreme poverty.
One billion people in the world today live in extreme poverty, without any access to health services and quality education.
But also, the disadvantages of growing up in extreme poverty pose a challenge to a belief in equality of opportunity.
Nabanna is one in a series of initiatives established by the UNESCO crosscutting theme on poverty eradication, especially extreme poverty.
The World Bank expects some 53m people to fall below the level of extreme poverty this year (see article).
He has not demonstrated an interest in the Millennium Development Goals, the shared international commitments to the fight against extreme poverty.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Head-to-Head: The right choice for the World Bank?
He is striking at the root problem of extreme poverty in Pakistan and Afghanistan by focusing on the education of girls.
As countries move from extreme poverty to middle-income status, this move from starvation rations to calorie-rich, nutrition-poor diets has become more common.
If they were to leave the Euro zone, which they will not, they would go through extreme poverty and more difficulties than now.
Many are coming from a world of extreme poverty and would take the chance for a multi-million dollar lifestyle for themselves and family.
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"Under most scenarios -- except the most dire -- significant strides in reducing extreme poverty will be achieved by 2030, " the report notes.
There have been reports that a displaced couple, who were sent to Jaffna, committed suicide a few months ago due to extreme poverty.
He, on the other hand, had come from extreme poverty as the illegitimate child of an Irish immigrant, orphaned at 11, humiliated at school.
According to the World Bank, some 200 million more people are suffering from extreme poverty, hunger or thirst as a result of the crisis.
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Ten years ago, world leaders adopted the eight Millennium Development Goals, including a pledge to halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty.
For someone who grew up in extreme poverty in the early years of the last century, Camus was surprisingly often within range of a camera.
But if the world keeps the promises that it has made to itself to really fight extreme poverty and preventable disease, then nothing is impossible.