Branagh's challengers are Jonah Hill (Moneyball), Nick Nolte (Warrior), Max von Sydow (Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close).
BBC: Oscars: Hugo has 11 nominations, The Artist has 10
Lyndsey Downes, who lives nearby, said she dialled 999 after she and her husband heard "an extremely loud bang".
BBC: Train hits car on Great Coates level crossing killing two
Now featuring both Automatic and Manual gain settings, users can enable Mikey Digital to intelligently adjust to fluctuating volume levels or manually set low sensitivity for extremely loud sources and high sensitivity for quieter sources.
ENGADGET: Blue Microphones Mikey Digital portable microphone for iOS devices hits shelves, offers mobile tracking for $100
In short, the vast majority of Americans exist between the lines occupied by two very loud ultra conservative and extremely liberal minorities.
FORBES: Perception of Republicans Fails To Reach Between the Lines
Witnesses described seeing the Fiesta being driven extremely fast, with noises of a loud exhaust and changing up through the gears.
BBC: Brendon Main