In other words, the mid-life crisis is a fable - but we all love fables, don't we?
The Moken possess many fables and folk tales which help them make use of the natural world.
With the creators gone, great companies need touchstones to remind themselves of their own legends, their fables of founding.
Dewy-eyed fables about backcountry ploughboys making it to Olympic stardom were exactly that.
Mingus responded by rerecording "Fables" a year later on an album produced by Mr. Hentoff for the independent label Candid Records.
WSJ: Charles Mingus | The Bassist in a Box | By Will Friedwald
The shop also hosts canal-side concerts with upcoming singer-songwriters such as Eliza Shaddad and Felix Fables who performed on 25 July.
Centuries passed, these fables became legends, and pilgrims from the distant reaches of Asia sought out the mystic city of the gods.
Kind reviewers have said that they are a bit like Aesop's fables.
None have ever been seen alive, and the animal often features in maritime legends and fables, including Jules Verne's 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Paul Krugman, who has been pleading for more deficit spending on a continuous basis in his New York Times column, is hawking all four fables.
He went on to make REM's third album Fables of the Reconstruction and was executive producer on the 1988 film Scandal about the Profumo affair.
S. for no longer than five years, from 1959 to 1964, and that all his subsequent fables are founded on the template of that distant time.
But there was also the undocumented version, consisting of fables, family customs, and hearsay passed along by my grandmother Bari Bauwa and the other women of the house.
Recognizing the sacred nature of the temples but ignorant of their origins, they invented fables about the mysterious sanctuaries, saying they had been built by the gods in a far ancient time.
Sports fans fall in love with people and narratives they don't truly know, understand, or investigate, all the time, to the point that the undressing of sports fables has become a national pastime.
While other female-centered hits, with more likable heroines, are ignored or patronized, these racy fables agitate audiences, in part because they violate the dictate that women, both fictional and real, not make anyone uncomfortable.
Aesop's Fables: Learn time-honored truths through ancient tales.
The image of Mumbai as a liberal city ruled by law and reason has long turned out to be a chimera, according to Gyan Prakash, author of Mumbai Fables, a brilliant book on the restless city.
He dedicates himself tirelessly to the transmission of humanistic values (which he says are threatened by free-market thinking and consumerism) by publishing through Albin Michel many books on philosophy for the young (Les Philo-fables, le conteur philosophe, Piccolo-philo, etc).
UNESCO: Round Table on the theme "Youth, Philosophy and Future"
"Fables of Faubus" shows how Mingus occasionally butted heads with corporate supervisors: The composer wrote a libretto that further castigated Orville Faubus, the segregationist governor of Arkansas, but Columbia refused to let him record the text (the title itself was nervy enough in that buttoned-down era).
WSJ: Charles Mingus | The Bassist in a Box | By Will Friedwald