Four hundred years ago, a fabulously wealthy arms dealer and moneylender named Thomas Sutton was approaching death.
There are very few ways to become rich and powerful quickly, but Prince Albert found one: Have fabulously wealthy ancestors.
Fabulously wealthy people who prefer to shirk their taxes have often chosen Liechtenstein as a means to hoard, or funnel, their cash.
Financiers were growing fabulously wealthy in the early 2000s, but others could also borrow ever more against the value of their home.
After all, how many people in this world are lucky enough to become so fabulously wealthy before crow's feet and cellulite settle in?
The fabulously wealthy--and fabulously gorgeous--couple scored high across the board, thanks to their humanitarian lifestyle, ever-expanding brood and general likability as a duo.
Sun Hung Kai emerged in 1972 as a consortium that included Lee Shau Kee, the fabulously wealthy owner of another Hong Kong developer, Henderson Land.
It looks to a large proportion of the public as if we've got some fabulously wealthy people who haven't done anything to deserve their wealth.
This reminds of the non-profit that I intend to found if I ever become so fabulously wealthy that I feel compelled to give away piles of money.
Most are fabulously wealthy, though disinclined to flaunt it.
Petersburg Paradox could become fabulously wealthy.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: Facebook and the St. Petersburg Paradox
At that steep tariff we would assume the 20-30 models expected to be built annually would be joining the fleets of the fabulously wealthy, with some likely to be used in the protection of said owners against kidnappers, assassins and outright insurrection.
FORBES: A Six-Wheeled Mercedes G-Class Could Be The Ultimate Road Warrior
But there's another reason for the public's fascination: "Let's face it, these are fabulously wealthy, gorgeous people and I think there is a certain amount of, 'Oh goody, something bad is happening to them, '" he says of the perverse delight the public takes.
If Robert Reich wants to praise Ford for his relentless effort to reduce labor costs, drive his competitors out of business, make horse-drawn transport obsolete, and become fabulously wealthy by offering the best valued products to the largest number of customers, sign me up.
After ruminating on it for almost 15 years, Mr Fowles turned in a work that was full of Shakespearean and Homeric allusion, the story of an English teacher in Greece who falls under the sway of a fabulously wealthy magician, the Magus of the title, and his parallel fantasy universe.
Eldridge may be wealthy, but Hughes is so fabulously so that he recently acquired The New Republic for a tiny percentage of his assets.