So how are companies like Estee Lauder, which sells this face cream, getting Chinese consumers to part with their money?
Scientists first discovered dry water in the late 1960s and the cosmetics industry used it to make things like face cream.
These can range from a new face cream to a new model of car, or a film (which is now considered a brand).
When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream were often dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades.
With the cutting finished, my face is wrapped in another hot towel before a face cream is massaged into my cheeks and a further hot towel is applied, followed by some aftershave balm.
The celebration of silence continues at the Quiet Shop on the ground floor, where you'll find exclusive de-branded versions of recognisable products, including pots of Marmite, bottles of Heinz tomato ketchup, Creme de la Mer face cream and Levis red label jeans.
Now, 3, 000-year-old ivory artifacts recovered by Mallowan between 1949 and 1963 from the ancient city of Nimrud, in what is now Iraq, and likely cleaned by his famous wife using cotton wool buds and face cream, go on display Monday at the British Museum in London.
There's nothing wrong with people anointing your face with fancy seaweed cream.
After Jordany Valdespin's game-ending grand slam last month, Buck clobbered him in the face with a whipped-cream pie.
The self-confessed "ice cream junkie" is alleged to have been found intoxicated nearby with ice cream on his face and clothing, after breaking into the church's deep freezer.
It was more like a string of arrests for throwing cream pies in the mayors face.
The year: Started 1998 with a Belgian cream pie flung in his face.
He commandeered the pie-smashing duties last season, elevating the act of slamming whipped cream onto one's face into a science.
Michel Camdessus's final days at the IMF's helm are most vividly remembered for a face-full of anti-globalization cream pie he got at the UNCTAD meeting in Bangkok last month.
If I had told any of the coaches or players that I was going to trade their jumbo jet for a jumbo ice cream sundae, they would have laughed in my face.
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Murdoch is lucky that a prankster got close enough to spatter him with shaving cream from a failed pie-in-the-face attempt.
These works are certainly in your face, but whether they have the satirical impact of more than a shaving-cream pie is debatable.
But she was interested in the skin cream: the hostess sent her home with a bottle, and it gave her face a similar glow.
Then he picks up an Oreo, delicately twists it apart, and licks off the white cream filling before returning the cookie to the tray, a satisfied look on his face.
Cosmopolitan's health and beauty editor Laura Bacharach recommends face-lifting creams which she says are "a more sophisticated version of egg whites and haemorrhoid cream used by Hollywood film stars".