The Ashanti people are also hoping the president will kick-start a major face-lifting project in Kumasi's leading business district, which is being funded by the World Bank.
After the Botox wore off, one group had a face-lifting surgery combined with the removal of muscle tissue or nerves in the area that triggered the migraines.
Cosmopolitan's health and beauty editor Laura Bacharach recommends face-lifting creams which she says are "a more sophisticated version of egg whites and haemorrhoid cream used by Hollywood film stars".
By starting with simple conversations they help employees transition to conversations in an online mode, beyond phone calls and face to face meetings, lifting the whole organization to new levels of social business maturity.
The Amphibious Combat Vehicles, or ACVs, are the centerpiece of the revised plan, since they would have to do the heavy lifting in terms of getting warfighters from ship to shore in the face of enemy fire.