Vibrantly colourful, semi-abstract and with strangely faceless figures, these are the artist's most startlingly modern works.
This frightening scenario could be substantially blurred by the central involvement of faceless multilateral institutions.
The bride was there in a long white train, and the bride also was faceless.
In this sort of climate it is not just the paranoid, but the faceless, who survive.
The judge-elect from Somalia referred to at length in your article is neither nameless nor faceless.
"Suddenly it just becomes another nameless faceless high street like anywhere else in the country, " she said.
Intellectual property can seem very like real property, especially when it is yours, and not some faceless corporation's.
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As a purely newspaper reporter I was literally invisible beyond the faceless by-line.
Karl, a faceless, putty-colored model Dr. Xu created 20 years ago, still sits on a desk in his lab.
And the star of them all is Pepsiman, a faceless muscleman in a silver body-suit, more bumbler than superhero.
These people now have no personal stake in the business and take orders and deal with faceless corporate entities.
Not a faceless call center employee, but a dedicated team member, who just happens to be half a world away.
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From previous studies the researchers knew that certain brain areas react more strongly to faces than they do to faceless objects.
FORBES: Neuroeconomics: How Brain Science Matters to Business
Never give money to a faceless voice over the telephone -- even if you have been impressed by his boss' TV commercials.
The headlights caught a flash of sparkling eyes, some tiny faceless beast.
On either side of them, faceless apartment windows seemed to ignore everything.
Corporate attorneys used to be the faceless "keepers of the secrets, " says Susan Friedman, head of in-house counsel coverage at insurance broker Marsh.
At best, he had joined the group of nameless, faceless characters who had occupied the office in the last third of the 19th century.
These people therefore think of all the people working under them as not other people but just faceless factors in their own growth of wealth.
When referring to the causes of our economic meltdown, he often reverts to passive voice (something "was done") or to nameless, faceless, impersonal forces ("corporate greed").
Casual gaming's biggest star, Flo--unlike, say, Halo's faceless super soldier, Master Chief--is a recognizable character with a recognizable problem: She's got to keep her diner running.
"John Sankus and his techno-gang operated a faceless world of the Internet and thought they would never be caught, " said US Attorney Paul McNulty in a statement.
Jennifer Aniston puts on a Texas accent and plays Justine Last, a clerk at a faceless superstore, which seems to be the new epicenter of modern angst.
The result: a faceless team with few fans, selling memories.
The company has focused on products to which it can apply its own brand, a business where the gross margin is twice that of its faceless-supplier role with HP.
Proper safeguards were essential, Lord Scott argued, and he warned of huge public indignation at having "faceless regulators demanding entry, rummaging through their cupboards and papers, without any judicial authorisation".
BBC: Freedoms Bill: Government defeated over powers of entry
Besides London (which chooses its leader on May 1st), a reform in 2000 enabled most towns and cities to elect mayors, creating a visible, accountable focus for hitherto faceless local government.
Reversing the parody in good humor can make consumers feel like real, live breathing and caring human beings are running what they might initially perceive to be a cold and faceless company.
And though Collective Soul have often been lumped together with such faceless post-grunge bands as Seven Mary Three, Third Eye Blind and Matchbox 20, the reviews for "Dosage" have been largely positive.
Onstage with their parents and teachers before a ballroom full of strange, faceless adults, the kids readily assured us that they do all they can to avoid naughty material on the Net.