These three survival mechanisms prevent you from facing your fear.
Apple investors this morning are once again facing their deepest fear: the loss of Steve Jobs.
As Congress continues to debate Iraq, military families are facing the same fear they always face: the fear of losing a loved one overseas.
GINA. He claims that many people with genes worth studying are avoiding research projects for fear of facing genetic discrimination later in life.
The coroner at the inquest concluded that Ms McGovern was likely to be in the process of leaving him and this, coupled with his fear of facing prison because of his illicit relationship, contributed to him starting the fire.
Workers facing redundancy in the Forest of Dean fear plans for a new supermarket, which would bring 200 jobs to the area, will be thrown out.
Thursday, top MBIA executives tried to calm investor anxiety about the fate of the firm, saying the stock's plunge in the last year was an over-reaction to problems facing the industry and the result of "fear-mongering" and "distortions" by self-interested investors.
Thursday, top MBIA (nyse: MBE - news - people ) executives tried to calm investor anxiety about the fate of the firm, saying the stock's plunge in the last year was an over-reaction to problems facing the industry and the result of "fear-mongering" and "distortions" by self-interested investors.
This has all the appearance of a Mexican standoff, where both sides are lined up facing each other but neither wants to shoot first for fear of being shot in return.
It addresses the stress and fear that the U.S. embassy's local staff is facing in Baghdad.
Investors have recently rushed headlong into treasuries for fear that the economic recovery could be vulnerable to signs that activity is facing a marginal slowdown.
Update 2: In America these days, it seems like all we hear from politicians is fear and cynicism about whether or not we can deal with the problems facing us and get our country back on track.
Facing such a market, students are forced to dedicate months to the job search, and fear that delaying or being unable to begin the search while abroad will substantially reduce chances of being hired by a large, prestigious company.
Given the many economic headwinds facing the U.S. economy (high unemployment, low consumer spending, increasing commodity prices and the fear of tightening credit given the ongoing sovereign debt crisis in Europe to name a few) prospects for increased corporate earnings stemming from increased sales seem difficult.