They often mask it with coffee or view drowsiness as just a fact of life.
Residential burglary is an unfortunate fact of life, and everyone is vulnerable, including you.
This is a fact of life with which both individual and institutional investors have to deal.
Still, he thinks today's educated consumer understands corporate buyouts are a fact of life.
And that is an economic fact of life, but is a politically difficult issue.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Vice President Biden and Press Secretary Gibbs | The White House
Radiation is a fact of life on this planet, it is prevalent, abundant, and natural.
It is a matter of survival, a fact of life viscerally understood in Japan.
For my generation, whether you loved or loathed her, she was always there, a fact of life.
Today, short sales are considered a fact of life with the current conditions in the housing market.
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Even though uncertainty is a fact of life, business leaders pretend as if it can be avoided.
FORBES: Skip Buybacks, Pfizer! Invest, Learn, Grow like Google, Apple, Virgin
Because farming takes place out of doors and in dirt, such contamination is a fact of life.
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If disruption is a fact of life, says Gans, perhaps the optimum response is to let it happen.
FORBES: Disrupted Rainy Weekend Reading (Or Viewing): IBM On Disruptive Innovation
Reporters get hate mail (it's a fact of life), so I was already feeling guarded about my online existence.
The whole issue of multi-channel management is evidence that co-existence has long been a fact of life in finance.
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Like massive lines at airport security, these inconveniences are just a fact of life, and a blessing in disguise.
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Attending funerals and memorials was a fact of life for me growing up.
You know, bankruptcy is an unfortunate fact of life for some struggling companies.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
Harvey Weiss, professor of archaeology at Yale University, says climate change was a fact of life for earlier civilizations.
Short-term currency volatility is a fact of life, and is hard to prevent.
Nevertheless, Democratic negotiators on the panel won't acknowledge that fiscal fact of life.
Truly, for Malaysians, inter cultural dialogue is an everyday fact of life.
Reliance on computers is a fact of life not only in markets everywhere, but in virtually every facet of business.
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President Obama acknowledged this fact of life when he agreed to delay the automatically scheduled tax increase temporarily until 2013.
They also offer tips on how to overcome and even benefit from failure, a fact of life for most entrepreneurs.
It is just a fact of life that from India to Indiana, women are only going to become more prosperous.
It's a fact of life, something the world needs to deal with, particularly those of us who have got some money.
The unwieldy vitality, the stylistic sprawl, the lack of canonical rules are a fact of life for artists, curators and critics.
Such price increases have become a fact of life during open enrollment season where workers sign up for their health plans.
For many of us who earn a reasonable, though not exalted, living, low pay, ironically, is already a fact of life.