Factional fighting between Fatah and Hamas claimed more than 90 Palestinian lives between December and February.
All it takes is for a few factional players to start pressing their speed dials.
In 1991, more than 40 people were reported killed in factional fighting around Johannesburg, South Africa.
Pakalitha Mosisili's departure comes after two years of factional squabbles in the Lesotho Congress for Democracy.
BBC: Lesotho's PM Pakalitha Mosisili deserts political party
Some of the violence is factional fighting between Hamas and Fatah, or among Fatah's increasingly divided sub-factions.
In previous terms, Suharto has used that job as one of the many techniques for balancing factional differences.
Given the factional nature of Korean politics, however, it is a faint hope.
So it was no surprise that Mr Mitsuzuka, a powerful factional boss and wily politician, has kept his cabinet seat.
It is believed to be factional infighting within the La Familia cartel.
Concealed, avoided or otherwise ignored, conflict will likely fester only to grow into resentment, create withdrawal or cause factional infighting within an organization.
This distinguishes them from the major parties that tend to fudge and obfuscate policy positions in order to accommodate factional, regional, and competing economic interests.
FORBES: Japan Politics in Flux as Tokyo Mayor Ishihara Resigns to Head New Party in Next Election
As the troops pull out, fears have been expressed by the French and Rwandan governments of a power vacuum and factional fighting in eastern Congo.
At a peace rally attended by Mr Abbas in Ramallah the next evening, there was not a single masked gunman or factional flag in sight.
The Republican Party still contains competing establishment and reform factions, most recently seen in the factional split between George W. Bush and John McCain in 2000.
This was the only major scandal in Japan that became public as a result of investigative reporting rather than leaks prompted by factional battles between government cliques.
The United Nations opened the summit of Afghan factional leaders on Tuesday to discuss the country's future and take the first steps toward building a post-Taliban government.
On the eve of the getaway, Tom Cole, a Republican congressman from Oklahoma, told me that factional disputes over taxes and spending had created a dire situation.
Both mentioned obstacles and disagreements born of factional tribal politics and rivalries, which were in full evidence during just a few minutes of the Tribal Council's debate.
Another one-time front-runner is the fiscally-conservative finance minister Yoshihiko Noda, 54, but he is hindered by the fact he shares a factional support base with Mr Maehara.
BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) -- Hezbollah militants Thursday began removing street blockades -- one day after the reversal of two Lebanese Cabinet decisions made during the recent factional violence.
Bound by an elaborate system of patronage and factional infighting, Japanese politicans have been unable, and often unwilling, to grapple with what everyone agrees is a growing economic crisis.
As for Obama being unpopular, the Republicans mistakenly believe that the loud, passionate minority of haters, birthers, and factional zealots like the tea party will convert magically into an electoral majority.
But now, after two centuries of factional infighting, misgovernment and corruption, not to mention 32 coups (33 if you include Mr Aristide's ousting), Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas.
The United States was urging its citizens to leave Cambodia and was making help available to those who wanted to escape factional fighting that has claimed dozens of lives since the weekend.
Now Kevin Rudd could no longer trade on his popularity, and the party powerbrokers and factional leaders decided the government would fare better at the forthcoming federal election with Julia Gillard at its head.
"He wasn't a great Prime Minister but he deserved to face the judgement of the people and not be executed in the middle of the night by the unions and the factional warlords, " he told reporters in Brisbane.
Factional battles in newspapers, such as between the divisions in charge of political reporting and those in charge of police reporting, often eviscerate stories in order to protect the people they are supposed to be writing about, several of the sources said.
It's all a bit reminiscent of mid-80s student politics - and the ultimate result, which is expected to emerge at some point on Wednesday evening, could have as much to do with distaste at factional tactics as with grand questions of ideology.
Its institutions publish online compendia of the government's directives, the results of civil service exams (based, they claim, on merit, not factional allegiance), and send text messages to the lucky few cleared for travel to Egypt to update them on bus and crossing times.