But those fad diets would never last more than a few weeks, and his weight would rebound.
The cooler fad eventually cooled, but the Sands family kept juggling brands and varieties.
As a fad--and it is a fad--the catastrophist's view of global warming has peaked.
They are social phenomena: addictive, fad-oriented and often short-lived, they can also be unequalled in size.
Making tiny investments in early-stage firms has become something of a fad in Silicon Valley.
Even if Harris and the Gantners get a fad rolling, it may not sustain itself.
He has dismissed the calls for his resignation as a passing storm and a silly fad.
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These elements have in recent months become an investment fad, some would argue a bubble.
He believes that file-sharing is a "fad" and predicts it will fade in popularity.
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Not to impress other bankers or follow the fad, but to improve service and boost profits.
Will the ethanol fad fade like so many other government-backed energy schemes before it?
Skeptics, and there are many, contend it is an expensive fad with no major advantage.
Such considerations are unlikely to end the file-sharing fad, but they seem sure to change it.
In situations like this the current fad is to fall back on a fail-fast, fail-early culture.
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Hip hop has long since proved that it is no cultural or intellectual fad.
He argued that the Merc's currency had been proved while Sprecher's looked like an investor fad.
This is why the fight against fat lurches from one fad to the next.
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"Social media is past the fad phase, " said Nora Barnes, director of the center.
CNN: How colleges use, misuse social media to reach students
Oversized socks are more than just another fad in a land of quirky obsessions.
The fad for greenery is producing legions of chief sustainability officers and green ambassadors.
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The latest fad: lacing sugar water with vitamins and positioning it as a health drink.
Most people, including me concluded that Bitcoin was a fad whose moment had come and gone.
Asia's sushi fad bodes ill for the bluefin tuna even on the far side of the world.
The e-trucking experience suggests that i-mode may turn out to be far more than just a fad.
Sanrio, the Japanese merchandiser he founded in 1960, is responsible for the Hello Kitty fad sweeping Asia.
Sensibly, the company plans first to target fad-loving teenagers, many of whom do not have credit cards.
The company has also branched out into air-conditioners, which it hopes will become China's next consumer-appliance fad.
It was the world's first beer fad, and porter breweries, bolstered by steam-age technology, grew to unprecedented size.
Earlier this century it expanded its factory so it could churn out ukuleles, which were a huge fad.
Sales at her bakery cafe are slipping and she said she suspects the cupcake fad may be waning.