And in particular, as I mentioned before, the sea temperatures are about a degree Fahrenheit warmer globally.
If we stop tomorrow, there's enough thermal energy in the system to warm the planet another degree Fahrenheit.
As near as anyone can figure, the Earth's surface temperature increased 1 degree Fahrenheit in the 20th century.
The range in normal temperatures can fluctuate as much as 1 degree Fahrenheit over the course of a day.
The 22, 000 heat protection tiles shield the shuttle from the 3, 000-degree Fahrenheit temperatures encountered during reentry into Earth's atmosphere for landing.
The oceans have warmed up about a degree Fahrenheit as a whole.
Scientists and governments agree that the world has warmed by up to 0.6 degree Celsius (1.1 degree Fahrenheit) this century, according to WWF.
If global temperature rises by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the next century, scientists estimate the sea level will rise seven to 15 inches.
IPCC's worst-case scenario, which is about a 7 degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature, shows a global sea level gain of 10 to 23 inches.
And the benefits, when estimated using a standard climate model, will reduce temperature only by an immeasurable one-tenth of a degree Fahrenheit by the end of the century.
It remains unknown where the segment fit into the wing, but it included reinforced carbon-carbon material, which protects the leading edge of shuttle wings from the 3, 000-degree Fahrenheit heat of atmospheric re-entry.
When the effects are calculated in a standard climate model, the result is a reduction in average temperature of 0.00005oC (one twenty-thousandth of a degree Celsius, or one ten-thousandth of a degree Fahrenheit).
Since 1984, tropical waters in the Northern Hemisphere have warmed at a rate of about 1 degree Fahrenheit per decade, according to data compiled by NOAA. This figure is 10 times the global rate, a harbinger of climate change.
At the bottom of the Knotty Head hole, the 450-degree-Fahrenheit temperature and the pressure (2, 000 times atmospheric) would crush or melt most drilling tools.