Greece drifts towards becoming a failed state inside the EZ and Debt:GDP stays close to 160%.
The notion that Pakistan is approaching the condition of a failed state is popular these days.
In 2001, Pakistan was a failed state propped up by a military dictatorship with nuclear weapons.
Talley argues that without Abyei, South Sudan will be rendered an economically nonviable failed state.
But its future success, and the avoidance of a failed state, is a vital American interest now.
In 1994 the U.S. began pulling out of Somalia, leaving a failed state with no central government.
The possible outcomes in Syria include the emergence of a failed state, stirring unrest throughout the region.
Somalia has endured appalling suffering during recent decades and has become the classic example of a failed state.
Our military knows that Afghanistan, with a 90 percent illiteracy rate, will always be a failed state.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Forcing our all-volunteer force to fail
One last caution is for residents of the failed state of New Jersey.
While DR Congo is clearly a failed state, Congolese society has not failed.
"But I balance that against Uribe and his administration's rescue of Colombia from a failed state status, " he said.
Every single nation in the region, to include Syria and Iran, do not want a failed state in Iraq.
It keeps tribes from going out and disintegrating and creating a failed state.
The United States' No. 1 enemy would appreciate another failed state from which to operate in the Middle East.
In all of these ways, and others, Afghanistan will remain a failed state.
First of all, with its largely illiterate population of 165 million, in most respects Pakistan is a failed state.
" Mexico is in no danger of becoming a failed state, " he said.
The Solomon Islands faces the prospect of becoming the Pacific's first failed state.
ECONOMIST: The Solomon Islands: The Pacific's first failed state? | The
Just over a decade ago, Georgia was almost a failed state, struggling to provide its people with water and electricity.
That is why we need mass action of olive branches, lest we slip into the doldrums of a failed State.
Failure to act could result in Syria becoming a failed state, riven by extremist violence and sectarian conflict, he said.
She said that we can't have Gaza be a terror state, and we can't have it be a failed state.
Yet he has transformed a failed state into a modern country with a liberal economy and a strong credit rating.
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The U.S. Joint Forces Command lumped Mexico in the same category as Pakistan and worried it was becoming a failed state.
FORBES: The Mexican Miracle: Despite Drug War, Economy Is Booming
Leaders of ASEAN may finally be waking up to what is happening in the neighborhood: the prospect of a failed state.
And so a Pakistan that falls apart, becomes a failed state, would be of extraordinary danger to Afghanistan and to us.
Even so, this business about Mexico on its way to being a "failed state" is just a lot of hot air.
Much of the situation in Pakistan today is due to the Bush administration's incompetent bungling of US relations with the failed state.
He rates the Sudan a failed state, where his methods wouldn't work.