But isn't the failure of such models to blame for the current financial crisis?
The Communication Workers Union, which has campaigned to raise awareness of dog attacks on postal workers and telecom engineers, welcomed the report as a "strong and clear in its assessment of the failure of current laws".
It was the utter failure of that incarnation of Current that prompted Gore and co-founder Joel Hyatt to put the thing up for sale.
"The current failure of the BSUH specialist neurosurgery service has exacerbated our concerns, " she said.
This presentation is intended as an in-depth analysis of this critical failure in the current regulatory framework.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Shariah-Compliant Finance: Benign or belligerent?
The second objective is to deal with the problem under the current system of ineligibility based on failure to pay into the system, i.e.
Any money the FDIC uses for a bank failure is charged against the current federal budget, regardless of whether money will be recovered down the road.
Maybe it's a bit early to call the UMPC some sort of failure, but with the prices as they are, and the current usability so lacking, we're not really thinking Microsoft and company hit much of a home run here.
But that failure was rooted in the fact that much of current conservative policy is broadly unpopular, a problem only compounded when the party becomes more polarized and dominated by the far-right debating society.
In Zimbabwe , a minister in President Robert Mugabe's government admitted that the forcible seizure of mostly white-owned farms had contributed to the current massive crop failure in the country.
The current failure to deliver basic skills of numeracy and literacy during the day should be addressed as a "matter of urgency".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Jail's education plan criticised
That figure was up 660% over the past four years, said the spokesman, which demonstrated "the success of the current strategy, not its failure".
Citi stock remains 90% below its pre-crisis level (or 50% lower after adjusting for its increase in share count) and, in our view, reflects the failure of resource allocation, oversight and management that stretches back to the formation of the company in its current form in 1998.
And few bands in recent years have experienced as much source material when it comes to personal turmoil: The tragic death of a former band member and a current member's hospitalization after kidney failure helped inspire the band's 2007 album Asleep at Heaven's Gate, one of the decade's most profoundly sad and moving rock records.
However former England captain Geoffrey Boycott told BBC Radio 5 Live that missing one season of the IPL was no excuse for the current failure by Kevin Pietersen's men in India.
It is incredibly clear that the current policy of TB control is an abject failure, so carrying on as we are is doomed to increase the size of any effective future badger cull.
Another finding is that in in the current recession failure and risk are characterized not by discussions of financial risk but by discussions of appropriate product and service development, and the risks inherent in globalization, as well as the drift in the global economy that sees Western enterprises losing market share as part of a global redivision of labor.
For those who are afraid of the current economic climate, the temptation may be to internalize failure or blame the economy.
One reason for the current popularity of hedge funds and funds of funds is the failure of traditional asset managers to meet the needs of sophisticated investors.
Advocates of tougher bankruptcy laws reckon that the failure to tackle moral hazard is the main flaw in the current laws.
In so doing, the former U.S. Ambassador to Yugoslavia, ertswhile American-Yugoslav entrepreneur (involved in banking arrangements and "Yugo" automobile franchises) and current resident "expert" on Yugoslavia in the State Department exemplified the failure of Bush Administration policy toward this crisis: He ignored the very real responsibility Washington and other Western capitals share for the present crisis.
That failure means that investors and researchers will zero in on the HDL analysis published in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
He said the "current obesity epidemic in children and adults represents a clear example of market failure" with taxpayers having to pick up the bill for healthcare and other costs.
Nomura points out that current European Financial Stabilization Facility (EFSF) mechanisms were designed to deal with the failure of relatively small countries being bailed out by a relatively large group of participating Eurozone countries.
FORBES: Italy Is Too Big To Bail, Even For France And Germany
Many of the current economic problems do indeed go back to the excesses of the 1990s, notably the failure to act on abuses of corporate governance.
The letter, signed by Virgin Media and TalkTalk among others says the Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA) trial, which is one of the current government's key broadband policies, "will be a commercial and policy failure if Openreach does not revise its prices".
The failure of diesel generators, which power water pumps that are critical to reactor cooling systems, was a leading cause of the current crisis.
Within the Medicare program, 10 million of the current 44 million beneficiaries have five or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes or congestive heart failure, and these 10 million cost the program 68% of the budgeted dollars.