Nigel Giffin QC added that "such a failuretomaintain standards from year to year would rightly cause a loss of confidence in the worth of the qualification, and it would be grossly unfair to those who took their GCSEs in previous years".
Rather than bringing criminal charges based on a specific underlying transaction in which a bank or other financial institution failed to file a Currency Transaction Report or Suspicious Activity Report, federal prosecutors are charging financial institutions with an overall failuretomaintain an effective program to prevent money laundering.
One citation was for having improper decking around the pool and the second was a summons for failureto properly maintain the fencing around the property, said Inez Birbiglia, a spokeswoman for the town of Islip.
Whatever harsh words Mr Bush has to say about Iraq's failureto make a full declaration, some of his officials maintain that the administration will be patient, at least for a while, and will not cite the omissions as an immediate cause for war.